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So this is a update on how the current patreon will function from here on. So first off the Patreon will update twice a week once at the beginning of the week that will also accompany with a poll, then 2 weeks from then the poll pic will be released with a few questions here and there.


1st week

  • A pic of my choice (posted usually on the 5th of each month)
  • along with the patreon questionnaire (usually on the first of each month)

2nd week

  • The patreon poll

3rd week

  • Poll pic is released (usually on the 19th)

4th week

  • Maybe some sketches
  • possible bonus
  • monthly recap

So currently this is the set schedule and it is subject to change depending on the stretch goals and such so we'll see what that looks like and if we make it that far, then the 4th week will be used to figure out that stuff and I'll more than likely post an update at the end of each month. If you have any concerns and such then just let me know, but for now. The capitan is off the deck


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