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Hi all!

I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the spell checker feature for Anki I hinted at recently. I was able to put in quite a few development hours over the past week, and the spell checker is shaping up very nicely now (see attached GIF). Among the new features and changes are:

  • A fully functional settings pane in Anki's preferences screen
  • Support for downloading dictionaries for a variety of different languages & locales
  • Tie-ins between the editor context menu and the preferences screen
  • Faster spell checker suggestions
  • and many, many smaller improvements and fixes

With close to 1000 lines of code added or modified, this will be a rather extensive contribution to Anki. As such, it's important that it first undergoes some solid test runs, and I think the best way to do that is by releasing it as an add-on first.

So I'm happy to announce that, starting early next week, all of you in the Add-on Aficionado tier and up will be the first Anki users to no longer have to deal with typos in your notes! :)

The public release will then likely follow towards April/May, depending on the work to be done still, and hopefully we will be able to get this merged into Anki itself not too late after. Though this will also depend on whether Damien, Anki's main developer, thinks that this is a better fit for an add-on or native Anki feature.

But to thank all of you guys for your support, I'm also looking into providing some more Patreon-exclusive content in relation to spell checking, such as special dictionaries for medical terms, even better language support, and more!

So make sure to stay tuned for that, and also make sure to tune back in next week to be one of the first ones to get a copy of the new Spell Checker add-on!

Thanks again for your support <3

– Glutanimate



Sean Moazezi

Hey Glutanimate, it seems as though spell checker has stopped working after the latest anki update!! this add on is crucial for us with (dyslexia)! Any plans to update?


Hey Sean, sorry to hear that the add-on is not working on your system. It seems to be working fine on my test systems and the latest Anki release, but there might be something else going on. Would you mind sending me your Anki debug info? You can do so by heading to Anki → About (or Help → About on Windows), and then clicking on copy debug info. As the info is rather long it would be best if you sent it to me via a message here on Patreon, or better still as an email to ankiglutanimate@gmail.com . Thanks! I'm sure we'll be able to troubleshoot this.


Probably been mentioned before, but it would be nice to be able to add your own dictionaries (e.g. medical terms), have a context menu to add words to the current dictionary (or an 'exceptions' dictionary) and handle anki syntax (e.g. cloze syntax) as an exception by default.

Douglas Henshaw Jr.

Would definitely like to see the ability to add our own dictionaries or at the very least be able to add words to the included dictionary.