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Up until now development updates were a bit of an ad-hoc thing. Starting from today I'm going to try and give you a weekly update of any progress I've made on the next episode.

This week I finished the script of episode 6 and sent it to a couple of my proofreaders. It's slightly shorter than Episode 5, but that one had a development time of three months.

Current render count is at nearly 300 images and I still have quite a list to go through. Three animations have been rendered too, with Alorth resuming work on creating the next batch for me to render as soon as the next release of Radiant has been published. The Jade rerenders are also almost finished, so those changes will be in Episode 6 as well.

All in all good progress, I think. Now I need to get back to creating the October render for the $3+ tier.

Stay safe all!


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