Storyline Preview #29 (Day 35) (Patreon)
2019-03-10 10:32:34
Sorry for the lack of posts here, but I've been a little under the weather lately. I did get to finish writing Day 35 and all the renders for that day are also completed. Bella has a larger event during Day 35, both on the submissive and romance paths. Day 36 will focus more on Mrs. Smith and going out with Liza, more on that later.
- Shopping for lingerie with Bella (submissive and romance paths)
- An encounter with Megan (submissive path only)
- Liza confronts Justin
- MC confronts Iris (if you're in a relationship)
- Flashback scene (either in your dreams or when you're with Rachel), Sasha takes the MC and the girls somewhere secluded...