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So my flight from Nashville to San Francisco was delayed by 3 hours, and this caused me to miss my original 11am flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong, I now have a 12 hour layover in San Francisco. While at first I was pretty annoyed by this set back, I did all I could to help the situation and make the mental decision to not let it bother me.

And now, I find myself in an Airport Lounge, talking about music to an Australian couple, and it made me think, obviously this is what THIS ENTIRE THINGS IS ABOUT! The Misinformed Adventures!

Maybe everything won’t work out exactly as I planned, but things WILL work out! And now talking to so many strangers about music, it feels like we’re friends and this, This is what it’s all about! How music connects us! Regardless of the different paths we’ve taken, countries we’re from, languages we speak, age, religion, sex, We are much more alike than we know and a great way bridge to these differences is Music!




Hang on there John!! Soon!

Jolene Nakamatsu

Maybe the layover was an unexpectedly good thing and you can talk to people about your love of music. You can be a great ambassador for music and maybe pick up more people for your channel. I can't wait to see the video of the One OK Rock mini albums. I have to wait when I have more time to watch it but I am sure I will love it because I have watched almost all of the videos but I don't think I have seen these.