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BAHAHAHAH!!!! JK Literally said, na, I'm going to keep eating, drinking, and SINGING!!! I LOVED THIS!!!



Nikki Reeves

There's another clip on Bangtan TV...JK sang for 15 min after Suga left


i agree that for the vocalists it has become so daunting the only thing they enjoy is performing they dont write as much. jimin jumped onto it and has been creative ever since witch surprised me because he is always so shy. but how he takes risk and i am so proud of him. i think he enjoyed writing but felt pressure being so open about himself he is normally very private. JK i feel has changed a lot. before he loved producing and writing songs but i dont feel that from him now. for the BE album V and Jimin produced for it but i am not sure what JK did i forgot. i just hope when they have time to rest and also experience having friends in the military it will be like full of energy and a lot of ideas. but you can feel how burned out they where and no wonder. NO American artist has ever made so much music so fast like BTS not even other kpop groups. they also talked about it in the book. they released 3 albums in 11 mounts i think it was so that is faster than the Beatles they broke that record. i think it was the love yourself albums

Susan Lilley

One thing for sure is JK knows how to live by doing the things he enjoys.