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Let us start the journey of Bon Voyage !!



Irene Kallahan

Oh, you finally starts these series! I'm so excited to rewatch it with you :)

Britta Högström

I love all the Bon Voyage but the chapters in Sweden are the ones I love most, as it is in my country and I know exactly where they went. Jimin has said that he wants to travel to northern Europe again because he thinks it is so beautiful here, I hope he will come to visit us again.

Britta Högström

Loved your video with Nico. As you speak of your T-shirt have you noticed that all the guys at Nicos channel have new T-shirts for every video they make, they must have hundreds by now!!! Do you know why, does one of them prints T-shirts for a living?


Don't forget there's bonus content for each episode; "Behind cam" :)

Marguerite Engel

Oh awesome!!! Can’t wait to see you dive into this series. I don’t care HOW many times I’ve seen it, it’s going to be fun watching it again for “the first time”!


Love baby BTS in Northern Europe, basically learning how to travel "on their own." Each season of Bon Voyage has it's own unique flavor and I love them all. 😍

Cherry Valens

OMG So excited for this, thank you for watching these! And in this first episode, I don’t think the bus left without them, it’s just that Jimin left his bag on the bus! You will find out how much walking they are always doing! So ready for Ep 2! 💜💜💜


I love this series; so happy to watch it again with you. The premise of this trip was for them to experience an ordinary back-pack style trip that normal guys in their 20's would take. The staff is there to film them, but they're not really supposed to help them. It's up to BTS to figure things out. Which, for a bunch of guys who have never travelled on their own before, is definitely a learning curve. I really think Jimin walked away from his suitcase because it's not something he was used to being responsible for.


There's actually an Episode 0 to this season, that was basically some interviews with the members about traveling, and the start of them telling them where they would be going. I believe it was released as a bit of a teaser for the season. It's a fun little bit you may want to check out as well. That's where they explain that they are on their own on the trip, and the managers won't be there to help them. They've always traveled with their mangers before who coordinated everything, so this was kind of new to them. It's amazing how they were able to have this experience. When I pack, I tend to plan on packing light, but then end up overpacking. Like "what if I need this?" or "well I might decide to do this, so I need to take that". But I also wait to do my packing until the night before. I always make a list of what to take, but I can't actually start packing early. I'm usually putting the last things is my back 5-10 minutes before I need to leave. I don't know why, I just can't bring myself to do it. Yeah, this was filmed right when he was filming for the drama he was in, Hwarang. So he had to leave a day later than everyone else due to the filming schedule. Don't forget that every episode has a Behind the Scenes as well. It's extra content, with a lot being from their hand-held cameras. Don't forget to check those out too!!


yeeeees so excited you've started watching these! Love Bon Voyage, and you totally have to do In The Soop after (my fave comfort watch) Also HELL YES I would love a Super Tuna shirt! I was also admiring it in the video you did with Nico haha (love that dude- so funny)

Joanne G.

I love the last episode in series 1. There is so much said that makes such sense for their future, I won’t spoil though. Jimin especially in this series shows all the traits of what he will become. He’s such a lovely young man. Sorry I am a little Jimin biased, but his personality and overall demeanour just appeals to me so much.


I agree season 4 is my fave too but they are all so good 🥰