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Just a short explanation here

I'm going through a lot right now and the thing most concerning thing is that I lost my office space due to some old fuck buying out the entire building and throwing all the artists out to build some kind of epic investment center or whatever. It sucks but we are looking for a new place together and I'll have to move my whole workstation along with everyone else when the time comes. Hopefully I can work here for at least a month before the move but if any big delays happen it's because of this . I can still work from home if worst comes to worst but my whole tablets and screens and work computer setup is at the office so if I have to transport everything it will take some time.

Don't worry too much for me, things will work out eventually. I'm just writing this out so everyone knows what's going on. Hope to be in a new office soon!



Oh, did you rent the space alongside other artists? Sorry this happened- it’s probably easier than working from home.

Some Aigis

It’s alright Kip. The only reason it’s been noticeable is that you’ve been so consistent over the years. I’m sorry you’re going through that, sounds infuriating.