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Finally! I can finish this 7 meter long daki commission~ honestly it took more time than I though~ XD

Miia from Monster Musume, hope you like it!

Just think about hugging a 7 meter long side pillow....This must be a new nice experience!

But unfortunately that this work come with a condition that commissioner want it to be a private so This artworks will not be in the upcoming Reward box in Febuary. I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

//Have a nice day~




That's a really long pillow. Out of curiosity what is the resolution of the artwork?


That is a rlly long pillow :0


Damn, I would have paid to have that Daki.


It's so beautiful 😍😍. I'm sad it's private. I will have to commission one too xD

Metall Andrei

She looks beautiful, great work! But why show her to us? It's like showing a plate full of stake to your dog and telling him he can never have any, and putting it out of reach, but in his line of sight... the dog will want the stake even more... that’s just cruel :(

Dylan Sheaves

Sucks that its private but damn that looks gorgeous, nice work , a loving rendition of best snek.