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I have added some animals [Rabits , dear, fox and butterflys] and improved lighting a little bit...
also i have added a little sequence when entering lost woods for the first time.

Lost woods is about to finish, only thing i have to program is the minigame and thats it

After that i might think to release a little demo Part 1, you can actually explore the lost woods entirely!

stay tuned !!!




Looks great! So different seeing the animals and butterflies all about but it's a very welcomed addition and definitely brings some life to the Lost Woods for sure! I thought it was cool to see the fox climb up in pictures 6 and 7 too! Can't wait for the demo! Wonderful job as always Cry, looking forward to what comes next! Though I am curious, will you be adding Harry's idea or anything of Lalo's ideas from the Lost Woods 80% post? I found both really interesting but I can see where the cave part of Lalo's idea might require much more work, time and may throw off the atmosphere of the Lost Woods a tad for some. If only one of their ideas was to be added, I think Harry's would be a easy, simple and wonderful addition that will definitely appeal to fans who know about the manga/prequel comic.