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Life is full of surprises, sometimes. For example, I never would have guessed that I'd end up finding 10 minutes' worth of things to say about a game as simple as City Connection. And yet, look at this video. It's wild.

Two more weeks until I kick off my SG-1000 retrospective project. I don't think that's necessarily what people are here for, but I hope you'll enjoy it all the same.


City Connection & Freedom Force retrospective: Gun it! | NES Works #078

Echoing last week's episode, this week we see a decidedly dated-looking game (City Connection) that nevertheless manages to be entertaining enough to transcend its relative age and sit comfortably in the 1988 NES lineup. On the other hand, Freedom Force is anything but dated, with some of the most stylish visuals seen to this point on NES. I'd rather play City Connection, but there's no denying the primal visual appeal of Freedom Force's attract mode.... Also, a bit of housekeeping: The host segments will be a little unusual for the next few episodes as my office space is currently unavailable for filming, forcing me to tape next to my portable photo box for the time being. Also, I realized while reviewing this episode that I made a point unclearly—I said Freedom Force is the first example on NES of a Japanese and American studio collaborating, which obviously isn't true. It's the first example I can name of the Japanese and American branches *of a single studio* collaborating on a project. Video Works is funded via Patreon (http://www.patreon.com/gamespite) — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (http://www.retronauts.com), where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Kevin Bunch

I'm excited about the SG-1000 stuff - early Sega is pretty dang cool Sega, and also considering Compile cut their shooter teeth on the platform I'm always up for it. City Connection is a gem of a game - as I've said elsewhere many times, I didn't learn about it until maybe a decade ago when a friend whose family is from Taiwan told me all about the bootleg version that she and her brothers played all the time on their Famiclone (up until it literally melted). Turns out it's a great game! Who knew!


The 'sad tune' when you hit the cat actually a well-known child's nursery rhyme in Japan called 'I stepped on the cat'! It was on a pretty popular kids' TV show on NHK called 'Minna no Uta' (Everyone's Songs) in Japan dating back to the 60s. Here's a clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTfOMQ3MlK8 So anyone in an arcade in the 80s would have recognized it, and probably thought it's funny (since the song is about accidentally stepping on a cat, and you just drove right over one).