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We continue to see the great progress in Lucy's powers (I love them), as well as her showing her bravery by not caring about losing her eyes. Great character development for queen lucy

James Merlaut

Nah Neel you're still wrong 😂 you said Irene was stronger than August and as I at least said, they're equal

Bruno Silva Htk

Neel you're wrong, besides Dub changes meanings of things all the time they're not a reliable source for information everyone knows that much 🤣


Along with the OVA episodes please also watch the single filler episodes of Fairy Tail. If you want you can also go watch the filler arc because one of the spells used in the arc will be used in the 100 year quest and it can help provide context.


Switched to dub just for confirmation 🤣 lmao


Sorry you’re still wrong XD “one other” literally means she’s strongest IN ADDITION to August, not “she’s actually the strongest despite me just calling August the strongest.” They can both be CONSIDERED the strongest by different measures—gender is mentioned here, but they also use vastly different types of magic and as the dub says, they’re comparable. Irene is the strongest woman. August is the strongest man. Together, they are the strongest members. Also, Brandish says Irene’s power MIGHT exceed August’s…or MIGHT just rival it. Not even she can really guess who would win in an actual fight between them, because they’re both just at THAT high a level, and both very one of a kind in their own ways. Also I get what Fax means about the fake deaths in Fairy Tail not having a lot of emotional impact. They give us these whole montages of the character’s best moments only to reveal they actually lived after FIVE MINUTES. It doesn’t give us enough time to be upset and wonder how they could have made it out, or watch the other characters’ grieve and feel upset for them. And because we don’t get to properly feel upset it’s hard to get super excited when we find out they ARE alive, because this far along in the show, we just expect it. It would be much more fun if the writers used the fact that we expect an immediate reveal and psych us out by waiting a few episodes.


Bro even with the subtitles idk how your still misinterpreting it wrong august and irene are both the strongest hence why "strongest" was in quotations she literally said august is the strongest but theres another strongest meaning the 2 of them are in their own league. She wouldn't have said man and woman if irene was stronger, she would have just said irene was the strongest rather than saying "another strongest" plus just watch it in dub or look for manga scans


She literally has them in the same category she didnt say august is stronger but irene is strongest she said they're both "strongest" meaning the spriggan 12 are stronger but those 2 are strongest


Even in dub she says rivals or maybe exceeds once you get more info on both characters you'll find out why were saying this they're backstories are coming soon


Interms of pure magic power august exceeds even that of zerefs only reason why irene and him can be considered equal is because theres more to irene than magic power once you see her later on you'll see. If it wasn't for what irene does towards the ending she wouldn't even be in the same conversation as august if not for "......"


Also the time stop girl can't beat august or irene because their magic power is like 100x theirs not to mention idk about irene but august has mastered every form of magic and time magic is a form of magic in fairytail thats what Ultear used was time magic so yes august can counter her with his time magic however due to the fact that his magic power is ridiculously higher than hers she can't do shit to him, same reason why when that guy came to kill natsu lucy and happy and he had black eyes and he said irene augmented him brandish stated her power doesn't affect him at all simply due to his magic power being significantly higher than hers because of irenes buff just for natsu to onehsot him😭


Btw please don't think this was E.N.D full transformation this is 10% partial END fairytail dragoncry is a canon movie it has probably the coldest natsu transformation as of yet

Jacob Vanderburg

Neel you’re wrong asf on that one. Say the strongest person in the world can lift 1000 pounds. If another person can suddenly lift 1000 pounds they’re also the strongest person aka ‘the other strongest person’


Neel hopping to the Dub is funny as hell, the voice dubs of a show are usually the least accurate when it comes to exact translations, as not only do they have to perfectly translate it, they then edit it to be more understandable to foreign audiences. Meaning if the sub says something, it will always be more accurate than if the dub says something


Every shonen or at least the big ones like Fairy Tail/Bleach/Naruto/One Piece dont kill of most of the characters its just the way it is if Fairy Tail/Bleach/Naruto/One Piece, would kill of 4 of the main cast it wouldn't be as long as they are and the store would be less intresting form the lack of characters develpoment


Btw August is stronger than Irene


I can agree the wording could have been better. But they did try to help with the quotation marks around the word strongest. But I agree it could have been even clearer :) That they are on equal footing from the perspective of Brandish is definetly how it's meant though. Also Brandish just can't tell who's stronger, coz they are both far above her.


You have to keep in mind though that in the Manga those scenes were the end of a chapter and you had to wait a week or two to find out what happened, and sometimes you didn't so you had to keep waiting. However, I do agree that the anime reveals these things too soon, especially in comparison. But it's also the nature of one episode covering several chapters so you can't drag it out or it falls out of place. Even so, as a manga reader I already knew what was coming in the anime but seeing the scenes brought to life, and the excellent voice acting in some of them still gets me emotional.


Eileen = August. That it.

Geoffrey Walker

MAYBE exceeds his power as in they have not squared off so to know who is stronger is unknow, and that they are comparable! there is know where in that scene that says SHE IS better than HIM! they purposely left it ambiguous!