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I'm thinking of a new line of OCs about 'fancy mercenary girls'

But I'm not very familiar with weapons, much less the ones that would look pretty and sophisticated in girl hands. So I open a suggestion box here so you can help me if you want.

I am currently working on the first one, which will obviously be a katana, so katanas are out of the suggestions haha

I personally prefer melee-ranged weapons but you can suggest anyone.

Next Regal Blood fragment is coming, I hope you like it. I have put it a lot of love :)


George P

Four-barreled shotgun, barrels shaped like a cross :)

Maritza GC

I think Sais (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51nsupH9ZWL._AC_SX679_.jpg) can be very very sophisticated and will go great with the aesthetic you work with!!!


Scythe, rapier or bows id think would look really good. Polearm or lances can be quite elegant to wield as well


Dagger, Wizard Staff


lance and scythe have already been mentioned, i think war fan would work well for you, aswell as maybe a needle/wire type of weapon, and if you want to go into fantasy i think enchanted swords / bending style magic are really cool


a flamberge might be pretty cool. A bit more interesting than a straight sword, just not in the ornamental way. There seems to be a number of suggestions that suggest small weapons for women. Why can't they be badass with a claymore rather than just "pretty and sophisticated" as you put it? Think characters from RWBY, or Final Fantasy. I mean.. Lady from DMC carries a friggin' bazooka!

Tim A.

Daggers similar to those in Solo Leveling would be pretty cool. Check the last page of Chapter 152 of the manhwa for a recent example.


This! Not a fan of these unrealistic huge swords, but I want more girls with Zwei Händern and shit!


Read it in context and think why he said it that way. I agree with you, but I like to think women are more clever than men in this regard and they know what they can use, instead of overdoing it just to show who's the alpha creature in the room 🤦🏼‍♂️ Besides, I hardly think Nixeu's art is suited for ugliness and unsophistication...


Naginata are super elegant and I think you should consider a type of polearm or halberd because their designs are super varied and have lots of room for creative interpretation.


If more modern, something like pistols https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/f0/56/aef0568e2f7590e21d07470f63983435.jpg ?


a nice classical sophisticated weapon is a Calvary saber or you could go thinner with an estoc or a rapier

Joe Johnson

Flail, brass knuckles, scythe, daggers, katana