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Hey all,

As you all know I am also working on the smaller Bounder video for this weekend (7th) so be sure to check that post  for upates as and when I have something to show (gonna fully start editing that tonight)

On top of that over the next 2 weeks you will also see 2x smaller mid week videos from me.

  • The next Data Disc unboxing (The Revenge of Shinobi)
  • My January Q&A video! If you are a £5 contributer or above then please send me your questions so I can get that recorded this weekend! :D

Here are the questions I have so far...

  • Were you even into the old PC shareware games of the 80s when you could get individual sample discs or the compilation ones of the 90s? 
  • Ever play Kroz? 
  • Do you have a specific favourite genre in gaming? On that note are there any plans in the future to create a video on the history of a specific genre? Platforming and RPGs have such a long history and there would be plenty of content to cover, but maybe something less obvious like rhythm games or the evolution of gaming music? 
  • Additionally I was wondering if your love of gaming has been a constant ride or if you had gotten back into it after a few years absence? 
  • What's your party starting tune when you're djing? 
  • Do you think there's much difference in companies like Sony delivering sub-par triple A titles, like no man's sky, and earning much more money but have no accountability, or do you think the rules are different. 
  • Which retro gaming universe would you want to live in and why 
  • If you could bring 5 NON Nintendo characters that you would bring to smash on the nx (and anything goes)  who would they be and why?


Anyway onto the video mentioned above...

Final Fight: The Complete History!

Looking to work with Game Dave on this one. Very excited with how it will turn out.

As usual please come back here for updates on this episode as and when I have something to show you guys :D

Thanks again 4 all ur support

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




Oooo final fight... awesome :)


Can't wait for the final fight video I just got it for the commodore 64!


Final Fight... nice. Excellent series.


Can't wait for this!!