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Firstly, a huge thank you for believing in the show enough to support it. Your support will help continue to help Slopes Game Room grow into the show I have always wanted it to become.

This post is for everyone (new and old) to make sure you get the most out of your stay here.

So, here we go...

  • If you ever want to see what I am up to then check my feed and find my latest posts showing you upcoming videos, like this one. I update these posts randomly throughout the week with the latest bits I have edited before they all get glued together and uploaded for the rest of the world to see. If you have comments or suggestions then please feel free to make them on the videos or the posts *WARNING! these videos and assets are deleted 2 weeks after the video has gone live*
  • After the video has gone live I move all my completed scripts to the... COMPLETED SCRIPTS AREA.
  • This Patreon only playlist is the playlist I update the most for you guys and I will post on here whenever I have something new to share.
  • Here is a list of animated Intros I have made for other YouTubers.
  • Here is a list of what I class as the VERY BEST YouTube videos to ever grace the site.
  • And here is the playlist for Slope's Game Room's tv show.
  • This post is also worth looking at as it shows what sort of editing I was doing BEFORE the days of SGR.

Hopefully you guys enjoy your stay. 

Again, I highly appreciate the support and I will do my best to update you guys as often as possible starting with the 1st video in my "Commentaries on my own videos" video being recorded and uploaded before the end of the week

Anyway, that's enough jibba jabba from me I need to crack on with the Pandemonium and Splatterhouse videos, keep an eye on those posts to see the latest updates and assets I used to make them as I make them.

If you have any questions or suggestions etc then leave them... well... on any post ya feel like!

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope




What's this?! I had no idea you played guitar too??? You kept that one quiet! ;-P

Slopes Game Room

HAHAHA I CANNOT PLAY GUITAR... I'm good at singing smelly cat though :)