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As usual guys I like to give you a preview of what is coming up on Slope's Game Room. 

So if ya don't wanna know, then look away...

...AAAAAAhhhhh ya still here, I warned you...

So firstly is a new (shorter) slopes game room episode which I am quite excited about as nobody seems to know much about it. Click here to see the first few minutes...


This is quite a mental one, everyone knows how rare these carts are but I was actually ale to sort of interview the guy (he seems a bit of a douche tbf) that was able to get 10 of them. essentially he is the worlds most prolific "flipper" buying something for a mega cheap rate and selling for an extremely high profit. Is this a good or bad thing? I will leave that to the comments section which I hope will go a little crazy for this one (gamers love having opinions lol)

Right so what else is going on... quite a lot to be fair...

  •  100 Facts about PlayStation (4 part episode with 25 facts based on each console) the script is finished. Just waiting on my collaborator to record his voice
  • Dizzy: The complete story. this is still very much in the works and good amount of the script is written. unfortunately due to being a Dad and the duties that come with it, i had to cancel my interview with the Oliver Twins. This episode is on hold for a while until we sort out a new date
  • Patreon advert. I have a script written and I just need to edit it (will be crazy good editing for this one. In short its an advert to become my Patreon)
  • Top games of 2015 podcast. Recorded end of December believe it or not. Same guy, so just waiting on him to sort a few personal things out before going ahead
  • TOP SECRET COLLAB with Novabug (check his channel here https://www.youtube.com/user/Novabug)
  • Sword in the Stone Disney episode. Happy to say that I have yet another collaborator for this one, all footage is recorded and I just need to edit. go check his channel NOW! https://www.youtube.com/user/GXPblogTV
  • Nintendo's 1st ever mascot you never knew. following on from the sega episode, I have found Nintendo's first (sexy new collab for this episode too https://www.youtube.com/user/BabyFProductions)
  • I have also started a 100 facts about... 32X script... GOD KNOWS WHY!
  • I have just won Youtuber of the YEAR, so looking forward to taking on that show. (Keep this hush hush for now please)
  • I have recently hit 2,500 subs, so This weekends vid will be a Q&A video if you have not yet asked questions then leave em below
  • I have recorded the footage (just need to edit) for the Jungle Book episode
  • something that will take AAAAAGGGGEEESSS to finish is 100 facts about Bubsy hahaha, why do I do this to myself! im stuck at about 43 lol if anybody has any random facts about Bubsy they would like to share then PLEASE PLEASE DO this is what I have so far... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RyY0jUI_lxJvcigl-Jro33e7Uqt9v1rZdVjN25Ow6Vo/edit?usp=sharing
  • O yeah, this one will be cool, I was recently able to get myself something which will be for a video which I will call Sega's forgotten console: The Video Driver hahaha this is gonna be a funny video to make
  • I did a desert island games episode a few months back here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn95WVH-WG4 and I am now in talks to be part of Dessert Island Movies for this channel https://www.youtube.com/user/gashead66

AND THAT'S NOT ALL, I have the start of several other scripts written that I plan to release over the next few months but they are not at a level to share just yet.

It sounds crazy, but for me having a crazy amount of half written scripts really does help me as a tuber get stuff ready and shipped on a regular basis. Script writing is the hardest part for me so I like to binge once in a while

Finally I am helping with a tiny bit of design for fellow Patreon JMM Review https://www.youtube.com/user/JMMREVIEW I am not sure if he is at a stage to share just yet, but if you are JMM then please right it down below for all to see :)

Thanks for all your support guys as usual it means the world

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope

BTW, just wanna say a quick "welcome back" to an old school Patreon who has recently returned... 

Michael Cooke AKA Tails4eva. Great to have you back dude :)




No problem dude


#askslope when you son grows up, are you going to be showing him modern games or retro Gamez? Have you ever been addicted to a game? What's your guilty pleasure game? Do you think the wiiU will be as collectible as the GameCube in 10 years time? How many subscribers would make sgr a full time job? Thanks as always


Wow wow wow that is indeed one MEGA update!!!! Possibly containing even more MEGA POWER than a Streets of Rage 3 cartridge!!! XD hahaha

Slopes Game Room

hey everyone, a crazy night of editing so ignore the video above as here is the 99% finished verion <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snDbdVV1XsQ&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snDbdVV1XsQ&feature=youtu.be</a> This is about 2 weeks early... ENJOY

Slopes Game Room

All finished wit the Nintendo world champ video :) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA0aBw_o5sc&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA0aBw_o5sc&feature=youtu.be</a> older versions will be deleted