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 Hey hey hey Patreons and YouTube Members :)

Gonna keep this crazy brief as I am going live in about 30 minutes. but I wanted to share with you what I am working on

Firstly, here is this months Patreon / YTM EXCLUSIVE Kickscammer episode https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvN2Wf5c7EFWN5hqCEoshriHLdMkwsmzx WORD OF WARNING! DO NOT CLICK THIS IF YOU DON'T LIKE RAUNCHY STUFF!!!!

Secondly, here is a preview of the kickscammer episode that will be going live this weekend (hopefully I will get this finished tomorrow) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dluNgtElaW8

And Thirdly here is a preview of an upcoming unboxing I am doing :P The review still needs to be made, as soon as I have this done I will share the full thing with you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCC8Yf_23D4

Hopefully this keeps you all busy :D 

Thank you all so much for your support, I will give you a much bigger update in the next day or 2 :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


Patreon Update 16/04/2020



You darn perv you!!! Lol! I kid, I kid! I’ll be checking that Kickscammer out here in a bit! I didn’t know you were streaming? So you’re on YouTube streaming? I’ll poke around and see what I can find. Glad to see you’re holding up well, my friend! Stay the hell inside and wash dem’ hands! Please stay healthy and safe out there! Take care, Lou AKA RetroToNextGen

Slopes Game Room


Slopes Game Room

hahaha, been asked to do this a few times, and considering I got demonetised completely due to saying (sex toy) in a kickscammer news video a few months back, I wasn't gonna risk this :P