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How we doing Patreon Peeps,

As you already know the above video is my next one... Seriously, these types of video's take ages, practically a full on week if not more to complete!

I had nothing planned for this week so i decided to get to work on it... and then...

Tuesday dropped and I had to pick up a 2nd hand arcade machine I purchased even though we agreed to do it in a few weeks! in other words that was an entire day out the office.

And now for the last few days I have been hit with a pretty hardcore case of food poisoning (i think not sure) and every time i try and sit to edit more of this video which should have gone live tonight, i can only do about a minute or 2 before i need to go see Mr toilet again

I'm not in a good way at all lol. But hey... this is what happens when you do a job self employed isn't it!!!

fingers xd i can finish it for tomoz As i have only ever missed 2 or 3 weekly uploads since I started over 5 years ago

Mucho Love guys... i'm gonna go get a drink and continue to get this video done... its gonna be a long one!

-DJ Slope



LION KING full video / half edited / PATREON EARLY ACCESS



Oh dude lame I'm sorry to hear that. Hoping you get better asap!!


Just try to think of it as a way to lose some pounds, that has been the only thing that has gotten me through a few bouts of food poisoning. Well that and my laptops. Seriously though, feel better Dj Slope, and remember a delayed video can be great, but when you force a video out that's when the quality drops. Good luck, and feel better.

General X

You take all the time you need to get better. We have no problem waiting until you’re feeling better to resume work


Sorry to hear Slopes. Get well soon my friend.


Time to move the computer into the toilet then.