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The CMC discover a reason to help out Diamond Tiara with something... Kyle and Mackenzie watch on!




This is probably the biggest episode since Twilight's ascension. People had been watching these three for nearly five years, waiting for this moment. People had theorized about what the marks might be, argued about the theories ad nauseum. Hasbro had big expectations to live up to, and they did. This episode single handedly turned around the fandom's perception of Diamond Tiara, from a spoiled brat to a troubled foal trying to be better. It does so by giving us her mother, Spoiled Rich, as a kind of lightning rod for the hate. Most fans had previously theorized her mother was dead or divorced. Curiously, many fandom interpretations of her father tend to portray him as a nice fellow (and we don't really see anything to contradict this in the show) , with his main flaw being his blindness for DT's misbehavior. I like how they spring the Marks on us at the end of what was otherwise a complete episode about the redemption of Diamond Tiara while keeping it fitting as the natural continuation of the events of the episode. Often in tv (especially more episodic shows like most cartoons) you don't ever get real changes to the status quo. That's certainly not the case here. They did a reasonably good job of keeping the surprise; most viewers tend to think DT's character arc is the reason for the hype right up until the end. As best we can tell, their marks seem to be for simply being the Cutie Mark Crusaders; three friends linked by a shared journey of discovery. They are something personal to each on a background of three colors representing each of them. They are linked by the very bonds of destiny, much like Twilight and her friends when they got their Cutie Marks as a direct result of Rainbow's first Sonic Rainboom. The interactions of the CMCs with their siblings and RD at the end are really touching. A number of other reactors I've seen teared up at that point. A true coming of age tale, and the end of an era for MLP.