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  • Naruto x Sakura Movie.mp4



This one is done! Thank you all for your support all the way through this project. It was definitely an ambitious one. I've learned a lot about what I can fix next round. Like what to do and what NOT to do next time, so it's been a huge learning curve for me personally! The growth of support has been...unexpected to say the least haha. So I wanted to personally thank those who've supported me! 

 I just wanted to update you guys with a little personal news from my end. I was trying to hold back until I got 100% confirmation. Long story short, I might be going in for an oral surgery/procedure very soon. So I am HOPING that I am in good shape during recovery to carry on as normal. BUT! If I'm not feeling well, I will still make sure to try and give you guys some content while I recover. Night!




I hope you can add sound


Awesome work! Can’t wait to see more!


You are doing the lord's work my friend


It’s not letting me view it