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"Awww, dammit..." Katrina grumbled as she sat
 in the semi shell of her newly tipped bowl. Her tummy gurgled loudly,
as if angrily voicing it's dislike for the most recent bit of jostling
it had just endured. Katrina squished her belly at it's sides and it
looked as if it were attempting to consume her hands as they sank into
the supple and incredibly soft, elastic flesh she sported. She shushed
her belly sweetly, like a mother to a child before licking as much ice
cream as she could off of her hand. "Nyaaa... calm down tummy, I'll give
 you more, we just took a little spill is all, I'm sure we'll be
fine..." She purred sweetly, wiggling a bit within the somewhat warm
slop of ice cream and apple pie that sloshed beneath her colossal butt.

 that her tummy had ceased it's complaints, She went to reach for
another scoop of Red raspberry ice cream in the little tub she was
currently finishing, and it quickly slipped off of the huge, slick slope
 of her overstuffed middle. her ears stood up and her toes scrunched as
she leaned forward, trying to reach it, though this just caused her to
smoosh into her own enormous gut and sent it falling faster away from
her. "Nyaaa... I'll have to ask them to get it for me when they sit me
back up.." Katrina mewed before letting out a little belch and returning
 to her never ending meal.


More Red Raspberry Ice cream~ Delicious.It's getting more and more difficult to come up with poses as she gets so... huge. You'll see what I mean in the coming posts. She's reaching insane levels XD.This was the first pose suggested by :IconDocDaRock: with "her
 leaning back, resting against a bowl of ice cream while she enjoys
another gallon." So I hope you enjoy it! He also suggested the red
raspberry, which I love as it reminds me of my Waifu~

More to come. So much more.


 all of September, Katrina will be here in her big sundae, eating Ice
Cream until she herself is the biggest catgirl sundae to ever grace this
 planet, and it's up to you guys to help her!

 Donations to Slightlyaboveaveragecomic@gmail.com. Don't forget to put
"Donation Drive" as the title of your donation, as well as your
Deviantart ID and Patreon Name if you are there as well, so I can
contact you if you've earned one of the below goals.

 every $1 I earn, Katrina will Eat a quart of ice cream, and for every
$50 I raise, I'll post another picture of her having eaten that much ice
 cream! That means 12 and a half gallons of ice cream consumed after
each picture~

I will keep having Katrina eat and eat until the end of the month!!

 money raised on Patreon will be added to this fund raiser once it goes
through and I get the entire total. In addition, any money earned from
my Katrina comics on E-Junkie this month will go towards this donation
drive as well!


 year people went in on a bid to be in the entire stuffing sequence of
Katrina in her Hammock and there were Many MANY who wished they could
have been involved as well, and so this year I'm doing something
different with these additional rewards!

*$50 donors: After
 someone donates $50, I will do two things, First, I increase the amount
 she eats by 1 quart per $1 raised (So if 3 people donate $50, Katrina
will be eating 4 quarts of ice cream per dollar raised so 40 gallons of
ice cream per picture). In addition, $50 donors will get to choose the
pose Katrina is in, and what kind of ice cream she's eating for the
image, as well as have their name listed somewhere on the picture to
show that they were in fact the ones to donate that ice cream to

*$100 donors: I
 have no idea if anyone is gonna be wanting to donate this much all at
once, however if you do, I will not only be incredibly grateful, I will
also increase the amount she eats by 2 quarts per $1 raised for the rest
 of the fund raiser, and You will get to choose a pose Katrina is in for
 the next image, the kind of ice cream she's eating, and your name will
be listed somewhere on the picture to show that you were the one to
donate the ice cream to Katrina! Finally, you will also gain a special
treat, and get to appear in one of these progression images that are
unlocked, appearing with Katrina, helping her to eat, hindering her
efforts, or pretty much doing anything (Within reason), alongside the
chubby cat girl. These will be somewhat limited, so if you plan to do
this, please message me here on Deviantart first in a note titled "$100
donation" and we can work out the details before anything is sent.

 (If you send a donation and do not give details on your prize within 2
days of donation, I reserve the right to continue on without granting
your prize. This is a donation drive that has a time limit and I can't
wait for longer than that to get your information to continue this).

*Weekly Largest Donors: Also
 during September, on Every Monday, I will post whoever donated the most
 money that week. This person will be able to add another kind of food
into the mix that Katrina will eat with the ice cream, and will increase
 her growth. The increase is determined by adding 1 additional quart per
 $1 they donated (Also increased with large donations as listed above),
effectively doubling the amount she eats based on how much they donated.
 Once it's all over, the people who donated the most each time will also
 get to help me with making an image of Katrina in the aftermath of
eating so much, which will take place, most likely early in the month
after. This means there are 4 chances to donate the most!

September 5th: :iconhp1741a:

September 12th: :iconMobius-Ice:

September 19th:

September 26th:

 we can get Katrina to all new massive sizes and have some crazy fun
with this. All of the proceeds will go towards trying to push my art
career forward!!

Amount until next picture: $50
Number of Pictures Earned: 14
Total Money Raised: $700
Total Ice Cream Eaten: 635.5 gallons
Amount Eaten Per Dollar: 11 Quarts
Amount Eaten Per Picture: 137.5 gallons



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