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Katrina grunted as she breathed heavily, trying to pull
herself into the bowl, but she was just too slippery with the slick, gooey ice
cream that drenched her body....

That and because she'd eaten over 100 gallons of it. Her belly was nearly as wide as she
was, and her titanic breasts hung down on top of it, wobbling and squishing
with slapping and sucking noises as they slid around on the slippery slope of
her colossal middle. It soft and pliable, squishing and wobbling with even the
slightest of movements as her knees and feet would push into it as she tried to
move forward.

"Nyaaa, I never should have gotten out of this, now
I'll never get back in..." She mewed with a little whine as she tried to
keep herself from slipping on the slick ground. her tummy gurgled as it
squished against the gigantic bowl, and smooshed softly into her thighs as she
lifted her fat leg to try and pull herself in, but it wasn't working. One would
assume that if one's belly was keeping her from entering somewhere, she
wouldn't do anything to increase the hindrance, however that never seemed to
cross the fat cat girl's mind as she continued stuffing hand fulls of ice cream
into her greedily awaiting mouth between attempts to get back in the bowl.

"Nyaaa... I need chocolate syrup... that'd make this
way better~" She purred as she finally made it back into the dish to
finish her ice cream.


This time she's eating Vanilla Bean ice cream..... After coloring it I realized
White ice cream may not have been the best choice....

But what's done is done...XD

She's already getting pretty big! I can't wait to see where
this goes in the end.


Throughout all of September, Katrinawill be here in her big sundae, eating Ice Cream until she herself is thebiggest catgirl sundae to ever grace this planet, and it's up to you guys tohelp her!

Send Donations toSlightlyaboveaveragecomic@gmail.com. Don't forget to put "DonationDrive" as the title of your donation, as well as your Deviantart ID andPatreon Name if you are there as well, so I can contact you if you've earnedone of the below goals.

For every $1 I earn, Katrina willEat a quart of ice cream, and for every $50 I raise, I'll post another pictureof her having eaten that much ice cream! That means 12 and a half gallons ofice cream consumed after each picture~

I will keep having Katrina eat andeat until the end of the month!!

The money raised on Patreon will beadded to this fund raiser once it goes through and I get the entire total. Inaddition, any money earned from my Katrina comics on E-Junkie this month willgo towards this donation drive as well!


Last year people went in on a bid tobe in the entire stuffing sequence of Katrina in her Hammock and there wereMany MANY who wished they could have been involved as well, and so this yearI'm doing something different with these additional rewards!

*$50 donors: After someone donates $50, I will do two things, First, Iincrease the amount she eats by 1 quart per $1 raised (So if 3 people donate$50, Katrina will be eating 4 quarts of ice cream per dollar raised so 40gallons of ice cream per picture). In addition, $50 donors will get to choosethe pose Katrina is in, and what kind of ice cream she's eating for the image,as well as have their name listed somewhere on the picture to show that theywere in fact the ones to donate that ice cream to Katrina!

*$100 donors: I have no idea if anyone is gonna be wanting to donate thismuch all at once, however if you do, I will not only be incredibly grateful, Iwill also increase the amount she eats by 2 quarts per $1 raised for the restof the fund raiser, and You will get to choose a pose Katrina is in for thenext image, the kind of ice cream she's eating, and your name will be listedsomewhere on the picture to show that you were the one to donate the ice creamto Katrina! Finally, you will also gain a special treat, and get to appear inone of these progression images that are unlocked, appearing with Katrina,helping her to eat, hindering her efforts, or pretty much doing anything(Within reason), alongside the chubby cat girl. These will be somewhat limited,so if you plan to do this, please message me here on Deviantart first in a notetitled "$100 donation" and we can work out the details beforeanything is sent.

Also during September, on EveryMonday, I will post whoever donated the most money that week. This person willbe able to add another kind of food into the mix that Katrina will eat with theice cream, and will increase her growth. The increase is determined by adding 1additional quart per $1 they donated, effectively doubling the amount she eatsbased on how much they donated. Once it's all over, the people who donated themost each time will also get to help me with making an image of Katrina in theaftermath of eating so much, which will take place, most likely early in themonth after. This means there are 4 chances to donate the most!

During the first week, Those of youwho support me on patreon will have an added bonus as you will each be treatedas having donated whatever the full amount of money I earn on there is(Currently around $60) for the purpose of being treated as the ones who donatedthe most. This means that if you send $20 for the donation drive, it will beadded to a base of $60 for this first week, meaning you would be treated as ifyou donated $80 for the purposes of determining who donated the most. This is,once again, only for the first week (Thursday-Monday).

September 4th: (Pending Highest donation: $164)

September 11th:

September 18th:

September 25th:

Hopefully we can get Katrina to all newmassive sizes and have some crazy fun with this. All of the proceeds will gotowards trying to push my art career forward!!


Amount until next picture: $36


Number of Pictures Earned: 3


Total Money Raised: $164


Total Ice Cream Eaten: 112.5 gallons


Amount Eaten Per Dollar: 3 Quarts


Amount Eaten Per Picture: 37.5 gallons




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