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draco flame

4. a sea serpent or kraken girl. 

This one I can certainly make something of! And I got a bit carried away and drew some other things while brainstorming...

ALSO... let me just say your idea of a Kappa not being able to steal a soul because a girl's butt is too fat was such a funny concept, I just didn't have time to do it unfortunately XD


There are many various kinds of sea creature through my universe, some friendly, some not, some very intelligent, some bestial... Here's some examples....

The largest breed of Lizard folk on Urth are known as the Titanscales. Sometimes known as Black Titans, or Abyss Scales, the Titanscale lizardfolk are enormous, mostly aquatic creatures that were created by the Tritons to be powerful engines of destruction and to counter the Yu-Kiang created by Degra and the Orcains. After the Tritons had allied themselves with the god of Fire Saroth, and betrayed the god of Water, the Orcains were relentless in tracking down the Tritons and hunting them to extinction or enslaving them forever. The Tritons had a difficult time standing against the water god, and especilly the Yu-Kiang and other powerful sea beasts that he threw at them as the forces of the God of fire generally could not join them in their undersea battles, and so the God of fire aided them through his great magic and the God of Earth brought fourth his ability as well. Together they selected several Tritons whom would mate with Elmystera, large aquatic creatures that exist as distant relatives of the Tritons, and the offspring that formed would inherit the power of flame, and the grounding and protective power of earth, and finally together they granted the power of lightning, a remnant born of the god of fire and the god of wind working in tandem.

Through this the first Titan scales were born. 3 males, and 3 females. Born as tritons with scales harder than steel and the ability to bring water to a boil and let loose powerful blasts of plasma from within them, and firing bolts of lightning from the horns on their heads, the Tritons began life enormous, and grew to similar sizes to the Elmystera, though usually a bit smaller. The Titan Scales could grow to be roughly 70 feet tall, and 140 feet long. The Titanscales could destroy entire armies of Orcains with their lightning attacks, and even their plasma would rip through the water, burning creatures whom would usually never come face to face with fire or see it as a threat. Even the Yu-Kiang could fall victim to the Titanscales, though in the conflicts, two of the males and one of the females were slain. This led to the extremely limited number of Titanscales today, and caused their genetic breakdown over time, which results in very few still existing now with the number being somewhere near 10-20 in the world. 

Titanscales have all of the intelligence and capability of a normal Triton, they are simply much larger, and possess much more latent power. Titanscales can loose beams of super heated plasma from their mouths as a breath weapon, and fire jolts or pulses of electricity from their horns. They also have powerful tails and spines and can damage their foes with great brute strength. Titanscales can breed with Tritons and any other kind of Lizardfolk, and strangely enough it will always result in a normal sized Triton or Lizardfolk if not somewhat larger than average, however they often tend to possess some of the parent's abilities such as the plasma breath or the ability to fire destructive blasts of lightning. The Titanscales can swim at great speeds and will often use titanic weapons that are specifically crafted for them, their scales are very fine and nearly impenetrable by normal weapons, and . It is believed that one of their corpses was animated by necromancers in the past, and another was used by the school of magic to create a large, alchemical machine, which caused a long standing feud between the Lizardfolk and the Magic School. 

The Titanscales mostly live now in the city of Mystera and protect it as it's guardians for the day it one day awakens.

The Elmystera, sometimes known as Elmysterasaurus, are large aquatic creatures with telepathic capabilities. Their eyes are pitch black and they possess sharp teeth to spear fish. Their horns can release waves of electricity which they use to speak telepathically with other aquatic life, and they can release small pulses to light the area around them out to over 200 feet or to send shocking jolts through the water. They have been used as mounts before by the Tritons. Some Tritons, as well as the occasional land dweller or other sea-faring race will occasionally become a "Sea Dragoon" and ride the creatures above and below water to defeat their foes. They are distantly related to dragons as they are the direct offspring of the Legendary Elemental Dragon Mystera, which holds an ancient city on it's back. They often return to Mystera where she sleeps to breed, though some still remain within the location for their entire lives, working alongside the Titan Scales to keep their ancient city safe.

The Elmystera are very rare and some are hunted for their scales, horns, bones, and any other parts of them due to them being distant cousins of dragons, which have mostly gone extinct. They are related to Dragon Turtles which have also mostly gone extinct. Their horns can be crafted into powerful arcane conductors of electricity and have been used as the basis for powerful magic items in the past, and consuming the calcified portion of the Elmystera's brain can allow creatures whom have eaten it to be able to communicate through telepathic jolts of electricity, and may even give them a partial immunity to said electricity. 

Elmystera are intelligent creatures and can speak the language of the water god, however they can also speak other languages that they learn in time. They have been known to dive deep and bring adventurers to treasures beneath the sea, but have also been terrible sea serpents that have destroyed sailing vessels in the past. Some have made it to Earth in the past, and a few may even be famous sea monsters within lakes and oceans across Earth...

Moving on to something tangentially related, Only in that it's semi aquatic and has a long neck, is the Laceromareasaurus (Lacker-o-mare-uh-saur-us). These horrid dinosaur creatures are incredibly rare, but exist in the modern day. Living in areas on Urth, or mostly within the hollows of Earth in the massive jungles and oceans beneath it's surface. The Laceromareasaurus is a distant relative to other Sauropod dinosaurs such as the Brachiosaur or the Apatosaurus, however like many of the others, their evolution was greatly influenced by the strange gravity and environment of the Hollow Earth and so while other dinosaurs such as the Caelumcollarisaurus or the Proboscus Apatasaur grew massive necks that defy such gravit or strange trunks, the Laceromareasaurus began to climb and stand upright, as well as delve into the deep waters to consume plantlife from beneath as the Mokele-Mbembe had done as well. Though this began with the creature evolving into a titanic climbing and swimming species, and eventually led to it's decrease in size, and the shortening of it's neck, the dinosaur also began to consume other fruits, and fauna within the trees that it normally did not have access to, including various forms of hallucinogenic or mind altering substances, which caused the creatures to develop many mental disorders, just as the theropod Gristmasaurus, had in similar areas of the world.

Over time these creatures began to change their behaviour drastically from the change in their mental makeup, and the relatively low number meant that inbreeding was common, leading to a deterioration of their mental capability and eventually to all of them becoming nearly insane from birth, and caused many of them to become extremely territorial and violent, killing one another and participating in cannibalism, which eventually changed them into more omniverous and predatory beast. Often times they stand with vacant stares in forested areas, staring into the distance to conserve energy, only moving when they require nourishment or hear noises of nearby prey or possible competators and mating rivals. They will remain still and statue like for long periods before suddenly lurching into motion and charging that which alerted them, usually chasing and attacking with a machine like will to murder and consume the creature. They have been known to kill larger creatures and leave their corpses in open areas or their entrails about as a way of marking their territory, making them along with the Gristmasaurus one of the only examples of a Saurian Serial Killer in the animal kingdom. 

Due to their minds being completely shot, they feel little pain and are scarred from violent fights with other dinosaurs, and creatures such as Nephilim or with their own kind, and they can take extreme amounts of damage before they will drop dead. Sometimes they can be used as mounts, though only incredibly powerful or forceful creatures can manage to force one to be it's mount and it will usually, inevitably, end in tragedy. They were first discovered in the 1500's during an expedition to the center of the Earth, though they were considered a hoax and covered up for ages....

Finally, we have the Guardian Naga. Various kinds of Naga can become Guardian Naga, however this one in particular is a Water Naga. Guardian Naga are granted great power to protect a location of great importance or status, and as such are granted several pairs of arms, which they use to battle enemies. With their arms they can weave symbols for their magic spells, and participate in prayr to the divine sources that granted them this power. The Naga otherwise possesses all of the abilities it had in life, and it's powers are even heightened.

Guardian Naga possess access to arcane magics which they access with their left hands, and divine magics which they access with their right hands. They are able to heal injuries and inflict grevious wounds, as they also learn several divine words of power which can tear apart their foes and cast their minds into the void. Guardian Naga grow a bit larger than other naga, and when a Guardian Naga is found it is usually 50% larger than a normal naga of it's kind, making certain kinds of giant naga absolutely massive when they achive guardianship.

Guardian Naga are nearly immortal, save for death by combat, in which they must be slain in a particular way symbolic to whatever they guard. Upon their death the creature will be beset by a terrible curse, that will leave them paranoid and eat away at their mind for defiling such a holy creature, making you believe everyone is out to get you, and the curse will even brand you so that those whom see you know that you are to blame for slaying the creature. If it guards an item or person and said thing is taken or stolen without the Naga allowing for it, the Naga can locate the person or object immediately, and will be informed of the quickest and safest route to get to the creature. Combined with their ability to become intangible and to cause illusions as well as teleport great distances, they often begin haunting and tormenting the creature until it gives it back or they are killed...



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