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This one took me quite a bit to make. Not necessarily because it's much more grandiose than I'm used to or anything, I just had a lot of trouble getting this one out, so I hope you like it....

I wonder if you guys can figure out her age and weight.... XD 

See if you can by yourself and I'll put the answer in the bottom of this post. 

This month's comic was suggested by Tory Williams here on Patreon. Thanks for your contribution dood.

Not only are you guys getting the comic early, but you'll be getting something else early as well!

Starting on next Sunday (April 17th) will be Katrina week, where you guys can, as every year, request for me to draw various pictures of Katrina that I'll draw up and post throughout the week, and I'm posting here today to open up the requests a little early for you guys.

Now I try  to do as many requests as I possibly can, but I can't always get to everything. So I thought for my patrons here I'd allow you guys to request first so I can get an early start on some of these things.

So send your requests for Katrina week to me via a comment here on this picture!

Also, feedback on the comic would be amazing!









Katrina is 57 years old and weighs 575 lbs or  260 kg, so the cake weighs 32,775 lbs or 14866 kg



Tory Williams

This was a pretty great comic all in all~ Not my absolute favorite but it's really grown on me and I really appreciate you doing it~ I'm in love with the pose she makes on the bottom left panel in the first page, such a big kitty X3


Yeah, I agree it isn't my best work. Had a bit of trouble actually finding the inspiration to work on it, and though I got it done I wasn't as into it as I usually am for some reason. I think I was feeling a little burnt out on the comics, but really did get back into it as I was adding the finishing touches lol. Wanted to add a bit more than usual, which is why I drew out the pic of her stuffed into the shower since I thought it would be pretty cute and really wanted to do more than just her eating a lot.... I do like that pose too, the behind poses like that are always fun to draw.

Tory Williams

Well I think that most of your fans appreciate your comics even more than the rest of your works, including myself. Even if you are feeling burnt out. Thank you very much for doing them for us :)


Yeah, both these comics and Slightly Above Average do tend to get the most response from fans, so I'm happy you guys like em. But it makes sense, I tend to get burnt out around this time of year, as I kind of did last year at this time too. And thanks! I appreciate the appreciation!