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This month I think I wanna draw someone short.

This month is Shortstack/Loli month. So give me recommendations for different Short, shortstack, or Loli girls to draw~



I'm going to go with either Midna from Twilight Princess or Etna from Disgaea. Both would make for amazing fatties to be honest so pick whichever you prefer.


How about some of the cuties from Jewel Pet? Like Ruby, Garnet, or Sango.


You’d think for a month of short gals you’d pick February, since it’s the shortest. Ha ha! But if I had to choose my favourite shorties, it would be Nia from Xenoblade 2 or Zelda in her Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass/Windwaker form

Clark Nova

I am sure most of the characters I would choose will be posted... So I will propose some Inkling bloaty and inflatey goodness.


Komoe from Eiken, or BNHA La Brava, either all giga-thicc. :3


Oh! And one more would either be Tristana, Poppy or LuLu from League of Legends. All three are super cute

Alex Rodd

I would like see some Eiken lolis either Komoe Harumachi or Kyoko Morooka Or Manami Aiba/La Brava from BNHA


Oh man, so many cute Lolis and Shortstacks to choose from! X3 But Xenoblade 2 has some Short cuties I love to see you draw like Nia, Finch and Electra, all them looking chubby and thicc of course! lol X3 Nia: https://xenoblade.fandom.com/wiki/Nia?file=Nia_artwork.png Finch: https://xenoblade.fandom.com/wiki/Finch?file=XC2_Finch_Artwork.png Electra: https://xenoblade.fandom.com/wiki/Electra?file=XC2_Electra_Artwork.png


If she counts as short stack, I would love to see you do isabelle from animal crossing overstuffed!

Tory Williams

Ooo! Maybe a chubby version of Guinea from Interspecies Reviewers! Or a chubby Komoe from Eiken is always good.


How about the best spoiled brat loli Darla Dimple from Cats don't Dance or Bache from Azur Lane or for shortstak how about Disgust from Inside out or Jolene from the Super Mario series.


How about a very chonky Tanya Degurechaff trying to fit into her uniform.


Jellybean and pearl collaborating on a music video. A swarm of the lightning imps from one of my previous requests. Their causing a mess and getting fat of of food. Two girls are dealing with the situation in different ways. One girl sees them as a menace and try’s using an electric fly swater, as expected they pass right through it. A more chill girl is just hanging out with them and snacking. Mae from night in the woods and cherry from animal crossing. Those two would totally hang out. They’re both at cherry’s house and are obese while stuffing their chubby faces with pizza on a couch that had busted under their weight. I would also suggest purpsi’s rough and tough iteration of Isabelle bullybelle. (He gave me permission so it’s ok.) Here are some pictures for you to get a feel for her attitude. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcWjNOXWkAMqmJf?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D5gYuFHWsAMKC0g.jpg:large&imgrefurl=https://twitter.com/ddemon7000/status/1123675348477124608&tbnid=kOa5UXOW5yq8CM&vet=1&docid=ag6eladHTeEfPM&w=1567&h=2048&itg=1&q=purpsi+isabelle&source=sh/x/im https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNUxwkEXcAA8gCJ.jpg&imgrefurl=https://twitter.com/purpsyoshi/status/924700071916179457&tbnid=rZ8wCHwvGPb4TM&vet=1&docid=689fcoRZcq5DSM&w=906&h=804&itg=1&q=purpsi+isabelle&source=sh/x/im


How about Flayn from Fire Emblem: Three Houses being wider than she is tall? https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/f/f7/Flayn_Portrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20190628181204 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/c/cf/S12-007ST_artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20190926010037


How about Guu from Hare+Guu? She eats almost anything.


Poppy or tristana from league of legends?

draco flame

I'm good with anything, but how about some good ol Midna or jellybean?


And because I haven’t made a meatys request in a while how about a burger child restaurant attempting to be fancy. The short stack girl chose this place as she had become addicted to the franchise prior, making her eating as unsightly as the decor.


Haru from beastars.


Last minute suggestion. A shortstack film student has a crush on her favorite 20s toon star Dolly Madcap. Being an amateur lost media collector she was overjoyed to find a reel of featuring Dolly that she’d never heard of. Even more surprising, it takes her into the cartoon where she can finally meet her idol, albeit she’s creepier than anticipated. The picture features Dolly having taken her new girlfriend to a malt shop. Shortstack girl has found her new life in the toon world to be very strange and oftentimes uncomfortable, but she puts up with it for her dear Dolly. Though she wishes her insatiable appetite would turn down a meal every now and again. Being a 20s cartoon lesbians could have kept the film from being released. The cursed parts could just be a coincidence. I’d like to see you try this type of cartoon morphology in your art style. Though it might make her too tall to consider her a shortstack. https://www.deviantart.com/virus-20/art/Fat-Cream-Helps-Fat-Amy-Rose-330821579