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Oh hey, this monster girl is REAL cute. She's barely even creepy!

This is a Dragonewt. Sometimes known as a dragonborn or dragonkin.

Limited to Urth, though long ago there were some who existed on Earth. Dragonewt are a race of creatures that are incredibly rare and thought to be a myth by many. Their rarity is enough that it's believed there may only be close to 50 on Urth at most.

Dragons are mostly extinct. After Tiamat had birthed untold destruction upon the land with waves of deadly dragon that sparked a deadly war with the gods. The dragons she birthed embodied the 7 sins, and her final act was to birth a curse upon the world before she fell into a deep hibernation, cursing those filled with rage and hate, greed, sin, gluttony, and lust to take on the form of the dragon.

Though there are many in the world who fall victim to these sins, not all will devolve into a raging reptilian brute, which is reserved for those with a greed on a legendary scale, however some who indulge in these pleasures may find themselves taking on minor draconic qualities which do not go further than that. This could be increased vision, sharper teeth, or even a somewhat scaly complexion, and may begin a transformation into a lycanthropic like reptilian creature that rampages until put down.

Those who undergo the process and begin the transformation can change in a plethora of ways, with some shifting and contorting into dragon shapes and others taking on draconic qualities, and some become dragonewt.

There are other ways to create these beings however, such as through the praise of Tiamat and worshipping her or pushing her religion and will across the land. Fighting in her name for glory, one may become a Dragonewt if their battle is well fought and they are struck down protecting her glory. Those struck down will enter a cocoon like state which hardens into an egg, and when they hatch from it they will take the form of a Dragonewt.

Others become dragons by consuming their ancient flesh. Finding and slaying a dragon, or finding one dead and consuming it's heart will allow one to gain the powers of the dragon and become a dragonewt. Those who become dragonewt in this way are often part of some dark religion or a holy order, and may be more revered than other dragonewt.

Even more rare are those born though magical mishap, a draconic soul or arcane energy seeping into the womb of a pregnant woman, or her imbibing the blood of a dragon or dragon kin such as a wyvern can occasionally cause her to give birth to such a creature.

Dragonewt are feared and revered across Urth, and to have one within your army is to be considered a great endeavor and the dragonewt are considered to be a weapon of mass destruction. They bring honor, and valor in some lands, terror and loathing in others. Even the smallest settlement that possesses a dragonewt is considered to be a force to be reckoned with, and some towns are destroyed and the Dragonewt hunted if it is still young due to the destruction they are capable of, and many turn to lives as warlords or weapons for powerful armies, such as Damian the Blood Axe who fought for the Nemerian army within the Nightmares. However some settlements and societies worship and revere the destructive might of dragons and dragonewt are treated as royalty and even gods or priests within their city walls such as the young dragon priestess Alma of the oceanic lands.

Dragonewt are all inured to a specific element, which they can exhale from their mouths as a powerful breath weapon, and their bodies can crackle with this energy as well, allowing them to expel it in other ways through martial training or arcane knowledge. They also tend to embody a sin, and either fully indulge in it or have a difficult time avoiding it. Wrath is the most common sin among dragons, however lust, gluttony, greed, and pride are also quite common. Envy, and sloth are the least common, though it isn't unheard of and is still just as possible with a range of emotions. Often times, just as the dragons before them, their bodies will adapt to this sin as well. The Dragonewt pictured is a Dragonewt of fire and Wrath, and as such her body is powerful and violent. Regardless of the sin or energy affinity, they will possess hard scales and nigh indestructible bodies. Some possess wings while others do not.

Dragonewt, like dragons, can breed with any creature, the spawn of which will be dragonkin, but never another dragonewt. Some of their spawn will appear to be human but possess sharp teeth and draconic eyes, while others may be lizard folk, or even reptilian abominations such as the children of the Priestess Alma who had birthed over 100 deadly serpents with various horrible powers...



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