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Hello again! This month is my BIRTHDAY MONTH. In fact today, the 3rd, is my Birthday!

So with that being said, I think I wanna see if I can expand Warranya and friend's lore again.

I want you guys to ask questions, or suggest themes and ideas that should be a part of their silly, super sexualized universe. The more questions I get asked, the more I can build for them since a lot of them don't have super detailed backstories. And if you'd like to learn more about things you already know, then that works too!

I'll have attached all of the past ones from this concept for a refresher!




Maybe just because I've always been amused at the prospect of magic/curses in relationships..and she seems spiteful enough to do this... In regards to relationships, how has her magic helped/hurt her..or for the more fun angle, how has she used it to get back at a ex who royally f'd up?


How would Warrenya react to meeting Katrina? Would they get along?


Another one, what’s the max amount of food Warrenya has managed to stuff into JellyBean in one go?


To tanwen: you and your sister have been acting different since you ate meatys. Are you feeling ok? To the girls: What would be the best outfit you would love to wear? To any girl: give us some examples of the various cuties you’ve made obese and how it changed them. To any girl: which one of you is musically inclined? Could you sing us a song about fat or weight gain stuff? To des: you have the opportunity to reshape the world how you see fit as long as it involves a kink of yours. What do you change?


Did Jellybean have any competition “growing up” on her way to Internet Food Stardom?


Here's a couple of questions for the "Warranyavere" cast: - For Tanwen and Jejjybean: Did you ever try scam... er selling enchanted gizmos, potions and other enchantments for a profit? if so did you sell "tottaly not botched on purpose with absolutely no disatrous side effects" items to people you didn't like ? - For Des and lyte: During stuffing sessions (with yourselves or other people as the stuffed party) have you ever used magically or mad science tampered food or booze ? - For Warranya: What's the most embarassing gift, birthday or otherwise, you ever received ? - For everyone: If you were a class in a Fantasy pen and paper role playing game which one would you chose to be ?


Can one or more of you girls do a two/three month couch potato/NEET challenge for warranyas patreon? Rules: Start off thin (by your standards) Participants can not leave the general proximity of the couch. (unless it’s for bathroom breaks) Any non couch actions must be performed by someone else. Must eat messily and leave empty cans, bags and boxes for non participants to clean up. (If they want to) Must regularly take naps on couch. Any time spent not napping must be spent on eating, sex or screen activities. After the two/three months are up the winner will be whoever can return to their original lifestyle after getting used to not having to do anything for so long.