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I asked what you guys wanted this month and only two of you answered! Come on guys! Suggest stuff! I'll totally do it!!

Tori Williams asked for Katrina after eating every fattycake that they gave her for winning that eating contest last year.

So here we have it. Katrina having gained weight from eating Fatty cakes for a year after winning that eating contest last year. I made her a bit fatter than after the ice cream month in September, which has been uploaded with these pics for comparison :P

And there's a busty, fat little fox girl bringing her more fatty cakes. She has no name or anything. Just a fattycakes employee apparently. She looks like she's a regular eater of the product...

I made this and then for the hell of it I did some math with it...

In the Fattycakes pic where Katrina is doing the commercial, she says they have "2,100 Grams of sugar in them" meaning that each one has 8,172 calories.

OK, Now, here's where the math comes in. They're pretty hefty snack cakes (Like twice the size of an eclair) and so Katrina would eat about 4 of them as a dessert after every meal, and Katrina eats Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Fourthmeal, so she eats 16 a day. 16 a day for 365 days is 47,461,680 calories just from fattycakes alone....

But this is Katrina we're talking about. If she gets free food for a year, she's gonna have more than that, particularly on holidays where she often goes crazy... So on top of that she had the following.

Halloween: She ate 1,000 extra fattycakes: 8, 127, 000 calories

Thanksgiving: She ate 3,000 extra fattycakes: 24,381,000 calories

Christmas: She ate 1,000 extra fattycakes: 8, 127, 000 calories

Newyears: She ate 1,000 extra fattycakes: 8, 127, 000 calories

Valentines Day: She ate 2,000 extra fattycakes: 16,254,000 calories

Birthday: She ate 4,000 extra fattycakes: 32,580,000 calories

4th of July: She ate 1,000 extra fattycakes: 8, 127, 000 calories

And then when she realized she had only 1 more day left in the year to eat fattycakes, she had as many as she could possibly stomach...

Final day: She ate 10,000 extra fattycakes: 81,270,000 calories

This brings her year's calorie intake to : 234,382,680 calories

And after using a calorie to pounds calculator I got....

+66,966 lbs.

Now remember after the ice cream fund raiser it was " Alright, according to this, A chocolate ice cream gallon has 32 servings in it. Each serving is 140 calories, so each gallon is 4,480 calories. Multiply that by the number of gallons Katrina ate, which was 11,475, and you get....

51,408,000 calories, which translates (According to the internet) to 14,688 lbs."

That means she should be 4.5 times fatter here than she was in that pic!!

And so I did an alternative edit of the pic to.... super fat her. It was difficult since I had to use my mouse and photoshop to do it, but it didn't turn out half bad. Hope you guys enjoy these! I have an idea for what I wanna do next month and it should be silly belly stuffing fun. I'll explain more next time.




Omg, so much calories XD. You are master of math calorie

Tory Williams

So this, is fantastic! This might honestly be my favorite work of yours you have ever done!~ And if you really want more suggestions, I could always come up with more XD