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Hello !

Last summer I wanted to make some changes with the donations and the simplicity for you to access the games!

Unfortunately I had some problems with the Patreon settings because some people didn't change their participation level!

Nothing wrong with that, but my goal is to make the games cheaper and give you access to them faster!

Today it's very blurry and I'd like to get it over with once and for all!

This is what I would like :

No more "Tier" names !

- Big fan = 15€ - release the same day!

- Enthusiast = 10€ - release one week later!

- Fan = 5€ - release two weeks later!

- Participant = 2€ - release three weeks later!

- Support = 1€ - Access to Patreon and games available only the Discord! (Mee6 rewards)

If you want to continue to support me next month, I ask you to change your participation level before the end of the month!

With your help, the transition will be quick and easy!

You will not pay any additional fees and any overpayments will be refunded by Patreon!

 If there is a problem, contact me and I will make a refund and make arrangements with Patreon!

If you have any doubts or you don't know how to proceed, I will guide you to make the right choice!

In order to provide you with a better offer thanks to your support!

There is a time of transition but nobody will be forgotten or neglected!

PS : I can't make changes when a subscription is active!

Take care of yourself and the people you love!



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