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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE:  Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Episode 8 "Flesh and Bone" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/la8l89r6syjnbyidrorx9/BSGS18UE.mp4?rlkey=8a3rbg7o4obyi95tj9c2h9ems&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jzpZTdbSrpnjfSQxo9ncKG5dqwJRaTAy/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-aKvI6eHTfO


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Cristina Sanchez

They have it from the cylon's side. It's called The Plan.

Lady Beyond The Wall

This episode is where I personally started sympathizing with at least individual cylons, regardless of if "their people" committed genocide on the human population. I started seeing them as "people" rather than things. I mean, we can see from Boomer at least that she displays feelings regardless of if there's someone there to display them for (she's obviously spent time alone wondering if she's a cylon or not and being worried about it). And I wouldn't be able to personally say whether their feelings are truly any different from a human's feelings, as we're both programmed, just in different ways from my perspective. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm not sure anyone could say whether they are truly different in any meaningful way that would be able to justify thinking that one's feelings matter while the other's doesn't. And from Leoben's scenes, I personally don't think he was just portraying purposely that he felt pain.. so the torture scenes were hard to watch. And I've seen people REALLY enjoy watching him get tortured (because he's a "machine"), which kind of bothers me too, lol. I suppose that may be one of the intended purposes. That some people will sympathize while others won't. It's interesting how much he knew about Starbuck. It's one thing to guess a call sign and name, but another thing entirely to guess specific backstory. I don't know about guessing the gods she worships, because I'm not sure if certain people or personalities are more likely to worship certain gods, etc but that was also really interesting. It's also interesting to wonder if he "got into" Laura's head in order to give her the dream somehow because he knew what was going to happen to him or if she genuinely predicted that. My thought was that she just predicted that in dream form when I first saw this. This episode made me like at least this specific Leoben though, and I was kinda sad he died. I would've done terribly in Starbuck's place because I would have been too damn interested in what he was saying. 😂 And obviously, for a show like this, I write my comments specifically based on how I felt about things or what I thought when I first saw this - so feelings and thoughts on cylons in general, their possible feelings, etc could change based on new or different information later. Just to be clear.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I watched this a couple days ago and I've been meaning to write up one of my classic longposts, but I guess I don't have to now. You have done well, padawan.👍 Regarding Leoben guessing which of the colonial pantheon Starbuck worships, I wonder if it might also have to do with what colony she came from. Perhaps some colonies favor certain gods. But I agree this is the episode where they start writing the cylons as more than just machines disguised as human. Kara is even starting to question it given she prayed for Leoben's soul at the end. Obviously even there doubt remained, and even if one acknowledges they are living beings, the fact remains they're genocidal living beings, which makes the crime worse actually. And of course there's Caprica Sharon apparently going off mission for Helo. This episode shows us something about Roslin's character that always really bothered me about her. She's willing to strike a deal and immediately break it once she has what she wants. Yes, there's consideration for the fact that humanity is up against the wall and she has to do what's best for the fleet, so pragmatically I can see making those decisions, but she doesn't seem to have any interest in tempering those tendencies at all. Sure, Roslin would argue that she's only breaking her word to a machine so it doesn't matter, but it's not about who a promise was made to, it's about who made it. Your word is either good or it's not. I grew up watching Star Trek from very young, so you can understand coming from that hopeful vision of the future with a more evolved human race, stepping into the gritty world of BSG was off putting to 16 year old me's delicate sensibilities. There are still altruistic characters like Lee and Helo, but they definitely feel like exceptions a lot of the time. And look at that, I end up longposting anyway. I just can't help myself

Lady Beyond The Wall

Haha, yeah, a lot of the time you end up writing basically what I would have typed out anyway so I just give it a ❤ and leave it at that. 😂 I get what you mean about Roslin. I'll definitely talk more about her as it comes up, but man.. I'm always on the fence with her or just going back and forth between liking her and thinking she's the right person for the job and thinking she's not the right person at all. And I'm sure you probably already know some of the parts where I get really, really frustrated with her. But your point is exactly right, in my opinion. Say Leoben wasn't too far from wherever they transfer to and he transfers to a new body. That experience would carry over and perhaps he'd even tell others what happened to him. If in the future, there is ever a scenario where they could make peace.. how could they even trust Roslin after that? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get why she did it, but I don't agree with it. And keeping him as a prisoner would probably be a mistake on my part, and maybe this is why I'd probably die in a situation like this, but I couldn't just say I'm not going to kill someone and then immediately order their execution after getting the info I wanted.


The President is dreaming so hard, she dreamt she was on one of the many redwood forest planets of SG-1 :P