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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Episode 6 "Litmus" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fk6u8rzu5xljwrf855g7p/BSGS16UE.mp4?rlkey=j5xfta4pvav92b6c6ytwih08n&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16dcIJ12-eHDmpcqb7y2BYp4O6yUSAxtI/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-fVI3kussaL


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Timothy Nikiforovs

This is a really solid episode that tests the boundaries of the rule of law and civil liberties and how much those things apply in the current situation. TNG fans will see a lot of parallels to a particular episode of that show. I'm also noticing how drastically the screen time changed for various characters. A lot of the episodes so far have heavily focused on Lee, Starbuck, and to a lesser extent Tigh, Baltar and Six, and they're basically completely sidelined in this episode. Even Roslin's presence is fairly light. They really focused in on Tyrol, Boomer and Adama. I can understand where Hadrian was coming from though. As Tyrol pointed out, a security breach is kinda her jurisdiction, and not knowing to even look for human model cylons means neither she nor anyone else could plan accordingly. That would probably be Socinus best defense, as why would he think any human would try to blow up the ship keeping them alive. Still, as Roslin points out, no matter how well intentioned, these kind of things can tend to take on a very ugly life of their own. It's an interesting bit of Adama's backstory that his father was a civil liberties advocate. You want someone who understands just how important it is to preserve the rights of the people in charge, especially in a situation like that. Fantastic job by EJO in showing Adama's resolve to shut down the tribunal when it was clear it was going too far. One little gripe with the Caprica side of the story is all these cylons standing on ledges and rooftops in PLAIN VIEW. Like Helo was 3 floors down or so, they were probably in his peripheral vision, and of not, one quarter second glance upward and he'd see them. Even in the building, you'd expect him to have his head on a swivel looking for more robots, and they're just standing on a ledge plain as day.


Bro if I get any more shoutouts I'm going to be interviewed by Forbes i dont have that kind of time dawg