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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Battlestar Galactica Season 1 Episode 5 "You Can't Go Home Again"

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/98oeqtkgbsfwg7zdjcqz3/BSGS15UE.mp4?rlkey=6iojk6efid3cikryc676edkpz&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16OnJ1onV7cgFitmCiCFW8ZFrmjnLZaaQ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-MfSR1VLku8


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Jack Mingle

Happy birthday, long time viewer, love you energy man keep it up

Timothy Nikiforovs

Happy birthday Fail and thanks for the reaction. A quick note about the survivor count. It's just under 48,000 which is low considering it was very close to 50k in 33 and the roughly 1300 people on the Olympic Carrier don't make up the difference. There was a deleted scene where Billy brought Roslin news of another miscount resulting in 650 being subtracted. The survivor count isn't perfect throughout the series, but mostly they do a good job of keeping on top of deaths. I think it was a nice touch to the series considering the fleet is all that's left of humanity save for maybe some scattered survivors in the colonies. It's a constant reminder of just how grim the situation is. This is a great episode, and the ending was a much needed feel good moment early in the series. The fleet needed the morale boost. As you pointed out, rescuing Starbuck was something of a Pyrrhic victory considering they burnt almost half their viper fuel and probably substantially reduced the remaining service life of their already ancient vipers. Strategically, it's not a win(though it does feel like it), and Roslin was completely correct in not only her criticisms but also in how she chose to communicate them to Lee and Adama. Having cylon tech to study might make it worthwhile though. I think we all were rather surprised that the raider is partly organic. Of course we know there are humanoid cylons that seem to be organic and indistinguishable from humans, but naturally you assume their machines are just mechanical. This and the last episode were largely a platform for Kara, Lee and his father to mend their relationships with each other. Kara knows she fracked up with Zak, and while Lee seemed willing to let the past be the past, Adama's response to finding out hurt the most because of how much she looks up to him. It's why it meant so much that he came to see her in the infirmary and told her she did good. He's the closest thing to a father she has. I think Lee also realized how much he's misjudged his father when he said they'd never leave if Lee had been the one who crashed. I also like how Helo and Sharon's story is just on a slow simmer in the background. It almost feels like they weren't quite sure early on what they were going to do with them so they're just keeping options open. Really good episode, but my one gripe is Starbuck could plug that hole with her flight suit. That would just never work AT ALL. There were a few ways they could have worked around this. First, presumably pilots have a patch kit for their suits, and she could have glued/epoxied a piece of her suit to the hole. 2 - She could have had one of those suction cub sealers we saw Helo use in the miniseries, though given Viper pilots fly in suits, probably not. 3 - They could have had the raider's organic components healing over the hole. 4 - This one seems like the best option, Starbuck should have stayed in her flight suit, and just rigged the oxygen tube into her suit with the intake and outflow, either with glue or zip ties or something. That way she can fly in her flight suit even while the interior of the craft is a vacuum. Even with her consuming some of that oxygen, whatever makes it to the outflow will still get where it was going.

Stef Furness

I haven't started the BSG reactions yet, but am amused at your continued ability to write a 5 paragraph comment that starts with, "A quick note..." =)