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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 6 "Beachhead" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l4jo7p0b0eqzuq8pckhn7/SGS96UE.mp4?rlkey=7i7pvryzloc0ufalpj69ag9aw&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tdbwq89cZzedTcH2fmRYHY6z1O3aR3er/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-LKUceWIyIJ


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There seems to be something wrong with the uploads. Can't open or download either.


Also, should we expect Buffy or Angel today?

Lady Beyond The Wall

Idk if his family celebrates Easter, or at least has a big Easter dinner like mine does, so might not get something else until tomorrow or really late if so.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Happy Easter to anyone else who celebrates it. 🥰


So glad to see Sam back! She looks so happy and almost glowing 👀 I guess the Nevada desert just really suited her 😏


It's called a Chappa'ko

Koala Banana

the supergate gives me goosebumps to this day


I got Drive to download eventually. Took a while. Not sure if its a patreon issue, I get it with another account sometimes too.


Holidays should definitely be celebrated 🥳 It's just we've had everything else this week except Buffy/Angel and it seems to be getting later week after week. Just gets a little frustrating when your paying so much. Thinking I might take a break soon. 🤔 😓


Lmao poor dad, just trying to be helpful :p


Your dad looks like clone soldier

Brent Justice

Nerus was indeed a real Goa'uld, he just meant they don't have to talk with the low-toned voice, they chose to do it to sound intimidating. The supergate is a great concept, a gate big enough for ships to come through, perfect, and the fact that the Ori would know how to build gates helps tie their lineage to the gate builders we know. I liked the twist that it was our weapons that powered the energy bubble and made this happen, our mark 9 bomb sealed the deal.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Here's hoping we get last weeks SGA soon! 🐋🤞


It seems like there is a limit to the amount of people that can access the same file at the same time on Google Drive. I always just left it for a while and came back later, or watched it through the Dropbox link. One of those always seems to work for me whenever I have your problem.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Finally got around to watching this on a screen bigger than my phone. So as you've no doubt gathered by the end, Vala was essentially keeping Carter's seat warm for a few episodes. This was due to Amanda Tapping being off for maternity leave. They at least left a slight possibility for Vala's return, though if she does end up in the Ori galaxy, hopefully she's learned to keep her head down. After all last time she was only there half a day before she got herself burned alive. This was definitely a big victory for Earth, largely thanks to Vala. It's hard enough dealing with priors, the last thing we need is a whole fleet invading. The super gate is definitely a very cool concept though. It's unfortunate though that the tau'ri's relations with the jaffa seem to be deteriorating. That seems largely due to Gerak, but still. There is a rather large issue with the supergate that we were discussing on the discord a while back. The segments were seen flying out of the gate, so therefore would be roughly puddle jumper sized, however at the end when the cargo ship(which is much bigger than a gate) pulls up alongside the segments, it's only half the size. Fun fact, Beau Bridges was at one point considering a career as a professional basketball player, so I'm guessing they didn't need too many takes for that shot he took. And then there's Nerus. Certainly one of the more entertaining goa'uld we've encountered. Once you've seen the episode, it's much more obvious how he's manipulating them to do what the ori want. They really should have listened to Vala on that one. Still, back when this episode first aired, it was the scene where Landry threatens Nerus with "hunger" that made me really like the character. Yes he got played, but he knew how to hit back where it hurt. He's not Hammond, but he's a decent successor.

Brent Justice

Perhaps they have some sort of "programable matter" capable of expanding in size once in space.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Dammit Brent, have you been watching Discovery😁 Next best explanation is "holy crusading lego blocks"

Ken Davidson

Where is the new episodes?