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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 10 "Birthright" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b698yv509uo6z9syhgtbf/SGS710UE.mp4?rlkey=mptyvqby5rkh729fria3dq0kj&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRRQ0tKma3yn_DilJNmRwR2GqVvuzyXf/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-eWjfyHczdl


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🚨 Let's Go! Amazon warrior women

James Yancy

Jolene Blalock, the actress who played Ishta, was also a main character on Star Trek: Enterprise. She played T'Pol, both the Science and First Officer of the 1st Enterprise (Starfleet's first Warp 5 starship) under Capt. Jonathan Archer. She was also the only Vulcan among the crew, serving as a liaison for the Vulcan High Command (the show predates The Federation), and was not herself a member of Starfleet.


Eya my boi M, are you gonna start reacting to movies again at some point? Just curious, cuz I rly enjoyed your LOTR reactions (and Harry Potter, obviously)

Timothy Nikiforovs

maybe when Merlin finishes it'll free up some time. I feel like he's trying to avoid getting back into burnout territory. I'm STILL waiting on him to cover Expanse S5. At this rate S6 will hit before he gets to it.

Paul Carroll

wow I like this one and when failwhale says christofer judge entered the chat I like seeing when we get too experiance an episode where the actor who played a main character also takes a writing or directing approach in a episode of the same show Awsome!

Paul Carroll

now I have too keep watching along and see if any other actors in show get too doing more writing in other episodes ?

Brent Justice

Off Topic: Did we miss Buffy this week? Saw two Angels, and Stargates et al, but Buffy?


Buffy will be next week in the watch order. He has two slots to cover both shows, so sometimes the watch order means there won't be an Angel or won't be a Buffy. The next two weeks are only Buffy eps.

Paul Carroll

wow I might sign up for the killer whale i just found out their is a $20 plan nice !

Paul Carroll

lol and I thought the super whales was the highest it their was a step up higher hiding hehe

Timothy Nikiforovs

I always rather this episode for it's very balanced take on the "Amazons" trope. It's easy to make these kinds of stories over the top girl power extravaganzas where otherwise competent men become bumbling idiots, but Birthright was a great deal more nuanced than that. Given the barbarity of Moloc's rule to women/girls, it would be easy for the Hak'tyl to view men in general with distrust at best and utter contempt at worst. And yet, when meeting SG1(a predominantly male team) they greet them with civility and respect. I mean except for Neith, and even she came around at the end. Ishta comes across as intelligent and level headed, and Mala was very much a diplomat(shame she died). In a larger sense, it's also nice to see the Jaffa resistance growing with new sub factions. The more allies Earth gathers against the goa'uld the better. What puzzles me in this episode is them going on a raid to find more symbiotes at the end. I mean I get from a narrative standpoint it was to allow Ishta to "see the other side" as it were and realize some of the jaffa they were killing for symbiotes could have been allies. But the thing is they had 3 symbiotes to spare at the SGC(4 if Mala's didn't die with her), which would further help sell tretonin to the hak'tyl. Also they really should have put Mala's symbiote back as soon as there were signs of trouble. I know she was determined to make it work for the sake of her people, but having 1 of the 4 volunteers come back and say "didn't work for me, had to keep the symbiote" wouldn't scare off half as many volunteers as 1 of the 4 coming back dead. I also thought Chris Judge did a good job in showing how hard it is for the jaffa to break free of the systematic brainwashing the goa'uld subjected them too. Even when offered a way to be free of their reliance on symbiotes(presumably it's being synthesized without the need for symbiote paste t this point), many jaffa resist. This was previously covered in Orpheus, but I felt it was expanded on here to a societal level. There's a degree of Stockholm syndrome there in that even as jaffa actively fight the goa'uld, they still innately believe that they can't survive without them. At the end of the day they made some new friends, so this was a pretty good episode IMO. Really looking forward to next week's eps.

Brent Justice

Just watched your reaction, thank you, I always remember this one cause of Jolene Blalock who was in Star Trek Enterprise at the time, so seeing her here, in a different role, was neat.

Limi V

Tretonin finally gets a large-scale trial, getting us one step closer to defeating the Goa’uld. I love the continuity on SG-1 and this story fits right in. I also love the use of real world mythology. Moloch was a god associated with child sacrifice, so they made him a Goa’uld who orders female children to be sacrificed. The role of Jaffa women clearly evolved [or perhaps devolved] since the beginning of the series. One of the Jaffa killed during the little invasion at the beginning of the series premier was a woman. She’s both shown and mentioned by a doctor as he explains his findings after examining the bodies of the dead Jaffa. He talks about their pouches and says they appear to exist in both sexes as he shows the bodies of a man and a woman. The decision to make all Jaffa women stay at home therefore came later. I was disappointed by the outfits the Hak’tyl were given for their excursions. It’s one thing to have them wear crop tops while going about their daily routine on their base, it’s quite another to have them wear those crop tops when going out to kill trained and well armoured soldiers. It’s apparently important that they look sexy during a fight to the death.