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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 2 "Homecoming" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/y3mxcf6erng5c4ojgu6ae/SGS72UE.mp4?rlkey=x4dymvmnn5hx866gdngm0jbqq&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q59kbONjZVpddDxFFkfoZ3-sssPUsnH7/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-Dz5iGuWXur


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Lady Beyond The Wall

Oh man, I really hated seeing Jonas go. I adored that man. But, it makes sense. He joined to help his country and he's going home not as a traitor, but in an honored position to continue helping his planet, not just his country. It was a good end to his story as much as I hate seeing him go. 💔

Wesley pippin

We're all gonna enjoy the hell outta this season

brad hawkes

In earlier seasons General Hammond said nothing states an SG team need 4 members, such a shame Jonas and Daniel couldn't both stay on the team, they have great chemistry. Plus I love Lord Yu's First Prime, and RIP Cliff Simon - Ba'al, hit a little hard seeing him realizing how much i love Ba'als power and charisma, all credit to the actor

Geonn Cannon

Not only does Anubis have wide shoulders, the man playing him (David Palffy) is JACKED. I met him at Gatecon in 2004 and his arms might have been bigger than Chris Judge's. Man's got a body under that robe!

Stef Furness

Jonas left his fish, but took the hair gel...talk about priorities!

Brent Justice

Just as Jonas feels like he's fitting in, and we as an audience are finally used to him, he leaves, heh. I mean, I get it, Daniel is back. But I know so much good is to come. Anubis got away, but I bet he's cheesed lol. I really see this episode as resetting things back to the norm with Daniel on the team. So let's see where this lost city is.


I'm always a little sad to see Jonas go, but it makes sense for his character. He joined SG-1 to make up for Daniel's death and to help his people. Now he gets to go home and use what he's learned for the good of his planet.


If I'm not mistaken, didn't he play Sokar back in season 3 as well.

Timothy Nikiforovs

OK, so I lied. The S7 intro does have some new scenes, but they're just from the S6 finale mostly. Just didn't want Daniel's return being permanent to be given away. Of course Corin Nemec's name being a guest star kind of gives it away still. As everyone is saying, Jonas was kind of done dirty here. I mean I'm sure everyone would take Daniel back if they had to choose(except that one guy who worked on Conan), but it sucks for Corin that right as he found his niche on the show he had to leave to make room for Shanks to return. By all accounts he was gracious about it though. Still, even if he was just keeping Daniel's seat warm, he was a good addition while it lasted. Shanks left originally due to creative differences and feeling his character wasn't being used to it's full potential, and I think he wanted to experiment as an actor. he was actually rather surprised by the level of fan reaction to Daniel's death, and came to regret how his departure was handled. By the time S7 was being planned, he and the producers were able to hash out the issues and give him a better deal to work with. He's referred to season 6 as being his "break" from the show. Really though Daniel is constantly doing the fake out deaths. I mean, the movie, Fire and Water, The Serpent's Lair, Double Jeopardy, and a few more I'm probably forgetting. S6 was just the longest running one yet.🤣 At least Jonas' homeworld has achieved some measure of peace, and hopefully seeing Anubis descend on them will make them look outward and start working together more. They all seem to value Jonas' perspective from his time with SG1, so hopefully he can be a stabilizing element. I assume they called up the asgard to get that mind probe out of his head. Poor guy got shot and had a spiky jawbreaker stuffed into his brain. It's disconcerting to see the SGC making deals with system lords, especially Ba'al. What's even stranger is that they're even willing to listen, let alone honor their half of the bargain(they did leave Kelowna alone after destroying Anubis' ship). Then again they managed to destroy his superweapon where the combined system lords had failed to do so, to say nothing of their multitude of victories against the goa'uld in the past. I'd say Earth at this point has a fair bit or respect on the galactic stage. If nothing else, the goa'uld have to acknowledge their resourcefulness. It'll be interesting to see what comes of that crystal. If that's a record of all the research the goa'uld on Jonas' homeworld did on naquadria back in the day, it might make it a more viable power source for human ships. As you said though this episode mostly serves to reset the show to the classic formula with Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c and Hammond, with all the advancements of S6 in the mix and a new goal of finding this ancient city. I do love how light hearted the ending is though. "We get paid for this right?". Just like old times. Even in the previous episode when O'Neill asks everyone to look away as he wants no witnesses. It's like "Daniel, you've been back less than a day and already you're pissing me off".

Lady Beyond The Wall

Lol, spiky jawbreaker. That's a good way to describe it. Also - I was wondering if he would have noticed Corin's name being under the guest stars, but he didn't seem to. Was kind of a "whew!" moment for me. I'm glad he was able to be surprised, even if it was in a sort of sad way.


I really hope you will react to the other stargate movies, Atlantis and universe! Omg and please Battlestar Galactic ☺️ I’m just so excited