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What it dooski! UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: The X-Files Season 1 Episode 17 REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0tkxj2vjeqfhn9/X-Files%20S1E17%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J_9t6p3CO8X-N9Sh8SgALcX1qlf_8Wxz/view?usp=sharing

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Lady Beyond The Wall

Oh man, I forgot how much they put into this episode! For some reason, I remembered it as a two parter or something! Also, finally The Lone Gunmen!


Am I the only one who thinks shows should put the year rather than "present day"

Gaming University

Oh the Lone Gunman. I love these guys.


Really liked this one. It was a bit slow-moving and they packed in a lot of stuff, but we learned a bit more about Mulder's informant and got lots of great scenes between Mulder and Scully. As an aside I've really enjoyed Mulder's collection of ugly 90s ties lately!

Trey Moore

I'm a sucker for the mythology episodes. Any time we delve more into the bigger storyline, I love it! Really enjoyed this ep.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Finally getting back to the big stuff. The monster/mystery of the week eps are fine, but it's this larger mythology that ties it all together. I don't get the policy of killing any alien they find though. Seems like a good way to provoke hostilities. If they're scouts their absence will be noticed. After all we file flight plans, no doubt aliens that advanced would keep even better records. Theres a few faces from SG1 in this episode. The security guard at the end was Connors from The First Commandment and Spirits, and the truck driver was the ashrak who killed Jolinar in In the Line of Duty. 3 others appear later on the show.


My favourite episode so far in the series.

Demijan Omeragic

Totally agree. However, keep in mind that plenty of fans watch for different reasons. Some of them even hate the mythology. As for myself, I enjoy both standalone and mythology, but it's the mythology which drew me into the show and made me fall in love with it. The mythology episodes are the episodes which develop the characters and make them truly three-dimensional. Of course there are standalones which do that too, but I will always defend the mythology as being the driving force behind the characters, and it separates the show from being a simple supernatural procedural series.


I'm British and the line 'I'm a vet, I know how to handle a gun' had me very confused as to why an animal doctor would be carrying quite the weapons he was (and why he'd be driving a lorry)