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You'll notice that the header "script WIP" has been changed to "script excerpt", as that is closer to what these have become. There will be a formal announcement post about this soon (or it might be out already actually!). 

Anyway, enjoy subliminal messages about making you into fat prey. :3


*SFX: snaps fingers*


Ah, good.

Oh, are you surprised? You really haven’t been paying attention, have you.

You see, it’s not hard to make someone do what you want, you know.

Subliminal messaging can go a long way. Gradually introduce words, phrases, sounds, into someone’s daily life, & give those triggers meaning. Over time, they’ll react to those triggers on their own.

Have you noticed how fat you’ve gotten lately. How much more inclined you are to pig out?

That’s all my doing. Just a few trigger words, & you’d eat out of my hand—literally.

It wasn’t hard to make you into a fat, round pig.

And now, it’s time to eat that pig. I do love a good pork chop, after all… *licks lips*

*chuckles* Look at how panicked you are. Adorable. Keep trying to move all you’d like. But you’re bound to my trigger, piggy. Unless I snap my fingers again, you’re not going anywhere.

See? You can’t move, right? Alllll my fault, I’m afraid.


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