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Howdy, hope you guys have had a good weekend :D Maybe a bit soon for an update, but whatever, I'm talkative.. 

Firstly, the response to the initial release has surpassed my expectations and been a massive motivator for me. I was gonna keep working on this even if nobody liked it (Because I like it dammit!) but it got pretty universally great feedback and I've been in a pretty good mood ever since. I wasn't expecting any patrons after just the first release so thanks guys ;) 

As you probably know, I had a few bugs to fix after the initial release, so I hadn't started on the next content update while I was working on those. I was finally able to start on the next content update on Friday, and so far it's going well. 

I won't make promises about release dates, but I'm expecting to get a patron only release out by the end of next week. It won't include the academy yet, but will at least take you all the way through day 3. (The Academy will come in before Public 0.2 though)

I'm going to be trying to keep to a rule going forwards that all releases, including these mini ones will include at least one new H scene. I never liked story only updates personally.

Since the main bulk of the game will take place after the Academy begins, and the start date is a few weeks away in game, there's obviously going to be a small timeskip. However, there are a few things the characters need to go through before the skip which you'll be seeing in this upcoming patreon release.

Thanks again for your support! Happy to answer any non spoilery questions.


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