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Hello All!

Here we are...the last day of the experiment & one final attempt at improving 4 individuals! Can they do it???? Brent is forever proving to be a difficult case. Let's hope that the wonder that is Chidi can break through Brent's thick self obsessed shell! Let's pray everybody!...

Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

A C P | Anitusar | Becky L | Butterfleaz | Chris M | Clint F | Lord David S | Dexter | Fernando D | Johann L | Johnny | Joshua B | Lucie G | Michael A | Michele | Mirko P | Nicole D | Pentaholic | PongPong31 | Stormy River | Walter A | William

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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- The above should solve your issues, in the odd case it doesn't, I can only put it down to it being a fresh upload and too many people are accessing the link...on this occasion I typically leave a temporary link at the bottom of the description. This lasts for 4 weeks after my initial posting. The exceeded views does reset so please be patient & try again on another day.

Links to watch this reaction below:



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Your struggle reminded me of something I heard once from Esther Perel: “It takes two people to create a pattern, but only one to change it” 😘

David Guin

Great literature exposes a human "universal" in a unique way. It shows us something about the human condition and through that, shows us something about ourselves. The Good Place does this so well, that it has found a place in my top ten. It will probably never achieve the recognition it deserves (because it is a comedy). However, I would place it right up there with shows like; M*A*S*H, The Wire, The West Wing, and The Sopranos. Society has told us that we should do whatever it takes to "work things out." It places this burden especially heavily on girls and women. Unfortunately, this encourages us to stay in toxic and dangerous relationships. If, at the end of the day, a relationship causes more pain than pleasure, it is time to get out <3