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Hello All!

It's official Wesley is in the title sequence & will be around a lot more. Let's hope we get to learn more about his character. This ep was huge for Kate, she now knows that Angel is a vampire! SHOOKETH. I felt her response was realistic & I'm excited to see how their relationship changes now too. 

Have a lovely week everyone! Thank you for the constant love & support!

Much love

Dakara x

*A special thanks & shout out to the following Patrons for sponsoring this video*:

A C P | Anitusar | Anoush Z | Becky L | Butterfleaz | Chris H | Chris M | Clint F | Lord David S | Dexter | Johann L | Joshua B | Kelsey P | Michael A | Michele | Nicole D | Pentaholic | Stormy River | Walter A | William

⭐️*My Links*⭐️ - https://linktr.ee/DakaraJayne


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Nicholas Corgan

I didn't notice the parallel until this time around, but despite the familiar bumbling, they immediately made sure to re-establish Wesley's credibility/competence by having him make the connection with Angelus's old MO. They did the same minutes into his introduction with Buffy (recognizing the vampires Buffy described from the night before), since they knew there would be inherent animosity toward him, plus his comedic side.


Yea, this is the Triple Wesley introduction. In the last episode, they did the same thing making him a bumbling fool chasing the wrong demon in the first half, then immediately required his translation skills in order to help Cordy.


I realize this is an older video, but regarding Angel losing his accent - It's not unheard of for people to lose their accent; or more accurately, pick up aspects of the accents their exposed to. A good example is Alexis Denisof, who plays Wesley. Alexis spent a good deal of time in the UK, and his wife, Alyson Hannigan, has talked about how she can tell who he's talking to on the phone if he starts to slip into a slight English accent; because interacting with the people you're closest to that you associate those speech patterns tend to bring them out subconsciously. It's how those sort of secondary accents form. In some cases, many even; and perhaps most, a person might go out of their way to "lose" their accent for various reasons; such as actors from outside the United States coming to the US for work. While some can switch between accents pretty easily, others find it more effective to make it second nature. The actor, Jonathan LaPaglia, is originally from Australia. When he came to the US to work as an actor, he took intentional steps to lose his natural Australian accent in favor of an American one. Only he found that we would try to do an Australian accent for an audition or something, he couldn't do it anymore. Years later, when he went back to act in Australia, he worked with a vocal coach to relearn his natural accent. John Mahoney, best known for playing Frasier Crane's dad, was originally from England, and didn't become an actor until he was in his 30s. When he came to the US he ditched his English accent for an American one and never looked back. John Barrowman is originally from Scotland, but when his parents moved them to the US at a young age, he made efforts to drop his Scottish accent to avoid being picked on by friends. However in John's case, he slips back into his Scottish accent around his family or fellow Scots, I actually know a pair of sisters, two of my favorite people, who recently moved to the US from Scotland within the last couple of years. Their mother's American, their father's Scottish, until they moved, they'd lived their whole lived in Scotland. The older sister still very much has her Scottish accent, but somewhere along the way, and for whatever reason, the younger sister does not. The younger one is fairly young, and they've been here for at least two or three years; so it could have been right around that prime age where the clarity of one's speech is still being solidified. It could have been social influence; either because she didn't want to be singled out or that natural gravitation towards conformity and talking the way your peers do just as a matter of course. It's never really come up, but it's interesting; because the two look so much alike, but sound so different when they talk. With Angel, he's been around for centuries; and spent the last 100 years or so in the US. After 50-60 years of that, combined with some xenophobic trends over that occurred over that time, it stands to reason he would lose his accent.