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Hi everyone!

In a minute we'll be publishing the turret defence minigame, Beloved Mad Scientist Elana!

As you can see we are continuing doing more artwork for Lustbringer and, among others, this week has been time of the night in Astans and Sal's home. Isn't it great when you have a good night sleep?

Also if you are in influenced guard and above tiers, remember to vote on the animation poll! Right now there are so many ties that we have decided leave it open this weekend to see if more votes come in and untangles it.

Disclaimer: The options in the poll that are still a tie on Monday will be decided using our own terrible criteria. 



Mike Butler

Any idea when the next Lust Bringer release for Android will be happening?


Hi! We finally decided to complete all the art first so it will be during March because of the amount that is left. Good news is we'll call it Beta just in case, but will probably be tested enough to be the final version.