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I made this because I love Monster Girls. Seriously, 9/10 human women are gross. Give me a woman that has skeleton arms and legs or horse legs or a snake tail or a detachable head. 

Anyways, here's a romantic story starring a Skeleton Monster Girl. Here's a reference. 


I might make more about different Monster Girls. Either Succubus or Living Armor. 

Summary:  Ella the Skeleton has suffered greatly, but finally she has been saved. She can finally live a life of her choosing, be who she wants to be, and all she needs is for a man to cum inside her. Includes: Romance, Monster Girls, Smut, Dark Beginning, Happy Ending.



When she was young, Ella was told death would bring peace, that the afterlife was a place of peace, and maybe that was true for her first death. 

She died from a sickness that was going around. The same plague that took her mother, father, little sister, and, of course, herself. 

Maybe death was peaceful, Ella didn’t remember any of it. All she remembered was waking up to a green glow burning her eyes. She couldn’t close them because her eyelids hadn’t been formed yet. She couldn’t scream because she didn’t have any lungs. All she could do was stare at the bright light, eyes darting, watching her muscles form around her bones. 

She became the undead, a zombie, enslaved to a necromancer, one of hundreds of undead soldiers. A tireless army that fought and worked all for the sake of one individual. A necromancer with a heart as twisted and black as Ella’s own undead instrument. The difference being this individual chose this life, and chose to embrace the dark calling it heard.

The necromancer controlled Ella, and she served their nightmarish commands. She hurt people for them, did things that haunted her mind to this day. It was like watching her body being used by someone else, a slave to her own form, eyes moving when the body needed them to, not when her mind told her to.

It was hell. 

She was a monster in the truest sense of the world, and when she was finally beaten, she didn’t die. 

Ella ended up on the floor of her master’s palace when he was attacked by some band of heroes. They beat her until she physically couldn’t get up, legs broken, spine snapped, body beyond healing. 

She didn’t die. Ella just began decomposing on the floor as her master was stabbed to death.

The undead woman felt everything. She felt time pass over her as her hair fell out, as her flesh rotted away, as birds ate away at her skin. Eggs burst within her as larvae made meals of her body. She felt herself being ravaged by animals brave enough to enter the old, abandon castle, and she felt them ripping off pieces of her body. All while her eyes stared up at that god forsaken ceiling. 

Imagine watching a knife slowly cutting into you, digging into your arm, taking a chunk of your flesh, and feeling every seconds of it. There was no blissful oblivion. No holy light. Not for an undead.

She lost the ability to see when a bird plucked her eyes out. She should have lost the ability to think after a rat gnawed off the last of her brain stem, but still she remain cognizant and aware.

This was an agonizing, horrific waking nightmare that she couldn’t even sleep through. Insanity was a gate closed off to her. She couldn’t even go mad from the paradoxal cocktail of nothingness and agonizing pain. 

She was aware of every passing second, of every excruciating moment of her death. 

Ella gave up hope that she would ever find salvation. She stopped trying to scream, what felt like, years ago. Maybe it was months? She wasn’t sure. She just accepted that this eternal, living hell was her existence until the gods finally destroyed reality itself. 

Her life was an empty void of oblivion, with the only sensations she felt being her flesh and meat being torn off and eaten, or simply rotting away. Until even that stopped, because she didn’t have any flesh left to be eaten.  

Then something happened. Something that wasn’t just her arm or leg being chewed on. Something touched her bones, lifting them up and carrying them. It felt like being carried at least. 

Despite having long lost her nerves, she felt herself being moved. For days, or hours, or years, or months, she wasn’t sure. She felt her bones shaking as she was carried, before she was brought to… a river? A waterfall? Whatever it was, she felt her bones being coated with a warm liquid and brushed with something soft. 

It was almost nice, but it didn’t last long. It was just some mockery of peace the universe gave Ella to remind her of the happiness she would never have…

Eventually, Ella was laid down on something. She felt all of her pieces assembled as perfectly and as closely as they could be, before a miracle happened. 

She saw a ceiling, a different one than the palace of her old master.

Ella could see people, looming over her, wearing strange masks and cyan robes. Warlocks? Mages? Whoever they were, they gave her back her eyes, and… and she could feel them rubbing something against her bones.

Ella then felt pain, but not the pain of her flesh being torn off of her body and her entrails feasted upon. No, she felt the pain of trying to breathe with something lodged in her throat. She had never imagined that pain could be so wonderful, just to feel something new, just to experience something other than the same pain she had experienced for her afterlife. 

Oh, how glorious the pain was as she coughed and gagged.

She coughed once, and then again, and she sat up as she continued to cough, gasping for air. Dust fell out of her mouth, and her tongue, her new, freshly grown tongue, writhed at the foul taste. She coughed out more tiny, little particles of dust as she trembled, heaving as she tried to empty out the contents of a stomach that wasn’t fully formed yet.

“She was supposed to be cleaned up before revival! What is this?!”

“S-sorry, doctor. There’s just been so many, we-”

“Save it.” A hand touched hers, and she looked at it. Her vision was blurry, but it adjusted as her brain was fully formed, neurons connecting just as well as when she was truly alive. 

Her brain told her that her arm was still made of bone, but she could twist and move it just as well as if it was made of skin and muscle. She did so, watching the smooth bone move without muscles or even skin.

“Easy, easy. It’s okay,” that same voice, the mystic who seemed in charge of the others was holding her arm. “It’s alright. We’re not going to hurt you.”

Hurt her? The thought hadn’t crossed her mind. Would they hurt her? Would it be some other kind of pain than the ones she knew? She almost hoped so. She would love to be stabbed, or even burned. Just something different than the ripping and tearing of beaks and teeth. 

“Can you tell us your name?” the mystic asked.

“E-Ella,” she answered with lips fresh and moist. She touched them with tiny, bony fingers. How long had it been since she heard her own voice? Her vision blurred again, and her heart stopped when she thought her eyes were being ripped out again.

But they were just tears. The first tears she had cried in decades. Her tear ducts had grown back, and now she was crying again for the first time in centuries. 

Wait. What was that sound? 

“Ella, can you tell me how you feel? Can you breathe alright, can you see me, can you-?”

“H-heart…” She placed a bony hand on her chest, and she let out a sob. “I-I have a heartbeat.” 

Tears fell from her eyes as she touched her face with those same, bony digits. Despite lacking any skin, she felt how soft her face was. How wet her tears were. How cold her skin was. She felt it, and she wept with joy at the long-missed sensation. 

“Heh. Yes, you do.” The mystic leader nodded their head, before looking Ella over. “Come with me, I’ll help you to the next room and explain your circumstances on the way.” He held his hand out to her, and her eyes widened to the point they might have fallen out.

Walking… When had she last walked anywhere? Shambled, crawled, limped, but not walked…She hadn’t walked in so long...Ella took the mystic’s hand and practically leapt off of the metal slab she had been on. Her legs, made of bone like her arms, nearly crumbled under her weight, but she didn’t care. 

She was walking, and she would walk forever and ever if she could help it. 

“This way, my dear. Easy,” the mystic warned, helping her walk as they left the white room. She waved goodbye to the other mages, wanting nothing more than to thank them, but the leader gave her no time.

They walked out of the white room and down a hall made of light-blue stone, with burning white lanterns above their heads. Ella stared at them curiously as the mystic spoke.

“I’m with the UAA, the Undead Assistance Agency. We study unbiology and help the living impaired return to their lives, if possible.” Ella wasn’t really sure what most of those words meant, but she think she got the most important part.

“You… you’re going to help… me?” Her tongue felt fat in her mouth, but at least it felt like something. She smacked it against the roof of her mouth, and along her white teeth as the mystic smiled, removing his mask.

“That’s right. It’s our hope that we can get you back into society as a contributing member of society.”

“Si-ti-zen?” she repeated.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find the words coming back to you. You just need time. This way, please.” The man opened a door and ushered the woman in. Ella obeyed, listening to her bony feet clattering against the hard floor. 

This new room was big and empty, filled with only two things. A bed and a long, full body mirror. As soon as Ella saw it, she stumbled towards it, pulling her hand out of the mystic's. She looked at herself for the first time in countless years and she was shocked by what she saw.

Only her head, torso, and shoulders were made of human flesh, but they weren’t even the right color. She didn’t remember much of her time as a human, but she was pretty sure her skin wasn’t a pale blue when she was alive.

Was it? 

She shook that thought out of her skull, and speaking of skulls, her arms and legs were all bone. Ella wiggled her fingers, watching the bony appendages move around as she stared at her reflection. She looked closer with her red eyes and she saw a faint, purple glow seeping out of her joints.

“Am… I on… fire?” Ella asked, slowly, rubbing a finger against her elbow.

“Oh, no. That’s just the magic helping keep your limbs intact. All of your limbs are actually removable if you give it enough force. Don’t worry, they can all be reattached, just as easily.” Ella rubbed her arm, shuddering at the idea of her arm coming off. 

“Oh.” Ella continued to look herself over. Her spinal looked like it was sticking out of her chest, and she placed a hand on her breast, slowly sliding a finger over the hard bumps. “Spine?”

“No, those are just some bony growths. They’re common for revived Skeletons like you, and completely benign. Just something you’ll have to get used to I’m afraid.” Ella pouted at that, picking at the hard bump as she looked herself over. 

The last thing she noticed about herself, but perhaps something that stood out the most, was the mask she hadn’t realized she had been wearing. Atop her bald head was a mask that covered half of her face, hiding it behind a skeletal visage.

Ella shuddered at the sight of her own face and she placed a hand on the mask, trying to pull it off. It was too much like a real skeleton’s, too much like the skull her skin hid away.

“E-Ella, stop! Be careful!” The mystic placed a hand on her’s, and she stopped tugging at the mask. “That’s a part of you. You can’t remove it by force. P-please, just listen to me. I can explain any questions you have. Alright?”

The pale skinned woman let out a whimper, but she nodded her head. She would listen. This man had been good to her so far…

“Alright… Alright, where to begin… Um, well, we just started going through the castle we found you in a few days ago. You see, many of my colleagues argued skeletons no longer counted as undead. In fact,” he chuckled nervously. “Many believed you to be more akin to golems than…” Ella stared blankly at him, slowly blinking.  “Ah, let me try again.”

“When we found you, you were nothing more than a skeleton, but we knew your spirit still inhabited your body. Thankfully, modern medicine has found a way to help those like you. By applying a special lotion onto your bones, we gave you new life as a Skeleton Demi.”


“Demihuman. That’s another can of worms entirely, what I’m trying to say is that you can live again, but you need to understand that you are no longer human. You need to do things differently than humans do, but if you can learn to adjust, you can live a long and fulfilling life as… whatever you want,” he chuckled, smiling at her. “W-within reason, of course.” 

“Live…?” Ella nodded her head, bouncing it up and down as her mask’s teeth clacked together. “Yes! Want to live! I want to! Live!”

“That’s what I imagined,” he smiled. “Now then, Skeletons like you need daily servings of, um… A special cream. The same we used to bring you back to life and give you back your body.”


“Yes. We applied it all throughout your body to help you live again.” For a moment, the doctor’s face twisted into a frown. Ella stared into his dark eyes as he sighed. “Um, something you should know is that different Skeleton Demis recover at different degrees. Some regrow the skin to almost ninety percent of the body, others… less. There’s a good chance that even with our procedures, this is as much flesh you will have.”

“O-okay!” Ella replied, beaming. “I live. This is okay. I’m… alive,” she had a wide grin on her face, easing the doctor’s fears. 

“Excellent, excellent. If you understand that and still want to go through the procedures, we can get you on the road of living again.” 

Ella nodded, before thinking. The mystic said that she would need daily servings of the cream to live, right? “More cream?” she asked, rubbing her bony arm.

“Er, yes, but not there. You see, there’s something you should probably know about the cream. There’s really only one ingredient, but we’ve discovered that it truly is the key to helping Skeletons live again.”

“I want it then! Want cream!” Ella pleaded.

“Ella, it’s… uh, cum. Well, semen, in your case.”

“Seamen?” What did sailors have to do with it? She shook her head side to side, uncaring of the facts. “Take me to boat! I’ll meet all seamen!”

“No, I mean, rubbing cum on you is good, but having a man cumming inside you is the best way to apply the cream. A single serving of sperm inside of you is enough for a day, maybe even two depending on the load.”

“Sperm? Load?” Ella blinked. 

“Ella, a human man needs to cum inside of you, do you understand that?”

Ella didn’t really, but she also didn’t want to risk losing her chance at life again. So she put on a smile, remembering something she did a lot when she was alive. Lie. 

“Yes. I understand. Can I have cum now?” she asked, and the man took a step back.

“Oh, n-no! Not me! I could never- uh… With a… a patient. I’ll be right back with the man that can help you.” 

Ella feared that she had scared the man away. The mystic was walking to the door as quickly as a walk could be, before he opened it and slammed it behind him. 

She was alone now, left standing in the room with only a bed and mirror as her company. Part of her began to panic, and her newly grown heart pounded in her chest as she looked around the room. Was she alone? Was she going to be here alone, forever? Trapped with only these four walls as her company? 

No, no, no. Not again! 

Ella told herself to calm down, hugging herself as she took air into her fresh lungs. She sucked in air through her teeth, before suddenly the door opened.


“Hello!” she shouted the word, louder than she meant to. She bit her lip with her white teeth, cursing herself. She didn’t want to scare them! Whoever they were…

“Oh, hey.” His voice revealed no fear, and Ella blinked. 

He was a man, obviously, and he was… tall. Very tall. He towered over her, wearing a blue shirt and dark, beige pants. His skin was the color of sand, and he had a head of blond, sunlight-colored skin. His top struggled to hold the muscular frame of the man, and Ella found herself wondering if this ‘semen’ would involve combat.

Was she supposed to fight this brawny man? He was brimming with muscle and strength, something like a finely crafted hammer, while she was quite literally a skeleton with some pounds of flesh. 

“Oh…” Ella stepped forward, placing a hand on the man’s shirt. Her own head was just below his, giving her the chance to stare into his chest. She pulled at his shirt, placing bony fingers on the warm skin. “Ahh!” 

So warm. How long had it been since she felt warmth? Oh, by the gods, the warmth was so nice against her naked fingers. “Warm!” she gasped, pulling his shirt out of the way as she rubbed her masked face against his chest. 

“Oh, okay, um, sure. Go ahead.” The man pulled his shirt off, allowing Ella to feel his body against her face without anything in the way. She moaned at the sensation of his skin against hers, rubbing her fingers against his chiseled chest. 

“So warm…”

“My name is Tobias. What’s yours?”

“Ella,” she replied, and suddenly her brain was telling her to stop rubbing her body against his. She didn’t understand why, but she looked up at the man, seeing him avoiding her stare with scarlet cheeks.

Hm. Perhaps it was her state of dress, or lack thereof? She was naked after all, and Ella was beginning to recall human memories of there being some kind of taboo against a naked person and not naked person being around each other.

“Take your clothes off,” she realized, speaking more to herself than him. She bent down and began to fiddle with his pants, making him gasp.

“Oh, o-okay! Forward, um, alright, I-I’ll do my best. H-here, let me help.” Tobias helped Ella take his pants off, and the Skeleton smiled at her new friend.

“Thank you,” she beamed, red eyes shimmering like rubies. 

“N-no problem. Um, would you mind doing this on the bed? O-or do you prefer right here? E-either way, I’ll do my best, it’s just that this is my first time actually, um… doing it with a Skeleton. I mean, I just signed up to donate my semen to the cause, but the labcoats said I checked out during the questionnaire as a ‘sexual deviant.’ Can you believe that? They actually look for that when you sign up, a-and I was one of the few people actually capable of getting it up with a woman that’s like, sixty percent skeleton. I-I mean, everyone’s part skeleton, but-” Ella stared at him, slowly blinking as his pants fell to the ground. 

“Sexual deviant?” she repeated, tilting her head at the word, before noticing the underwear he was still in. That had to go too.

“Sorry,” he sighed. “I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”

“It’s okay. I like it,” she admitted, and she meant it. Hearing someone talk, hearing another voice, a real person, speaking to her. It was the greatest relief after the quiet hell she endured. She pulled the underwear down to his crumpled up pants, and gasped as a small, third arm reached out, smacking her face.

“Oh, gosh, are you okay?! I’m so sorry! I-”

Ella giggled, and gave the third arm a gentle smack back, before rubbing the shaft with her fingers. It was small for an arm, but still rather large. She rubbed her digits along the length, admiring it as she glanced up at Tobias. “Please, talk more!” 

“Oh, r-really? Are you sure? I mean, I-I’d love to,” he grinned, taking a deep breath as her smooth fingers caressed him. “Oh, sorry, but we should probably do the thing. You know, make sure you get your dose today. Recently awaken Skeletons need more cum than older ones, I hear.”

“Need more cum,” she repeated. Right. That seaman thing the mystic mentioned. “Need more cum! Daily!” Ella declared. “Will you help me, Tobias?” 

“That’s what I’m here for.” Ella smiled, before glancing at the bed in the room. He had mentioned it before, and so Ella stood up and took his hand. She pulled him along, leading him to the large bed. “Bed,” she whispered, mostly to help remind herself what it was. 

“Yep. Um. Y-you ready for this?”

She nodded her head, but Ella couldn’t help but notice Tobias’ shaking. She had seen that shaking before many times when she was a slave to the necromancer who revived her. “Scared?”

“Oh, I… y-yeah, I guess I am, a little.” She always did hate seeing people so… afraid. Was he scared of her? She hoped not, and she quickly tried to help ease his nerves. 

“I’m scared too,” she confessed, placing a hand on her chest. “Scared of living again, but so very excited at the same time! Scared of… of this,” she tapped her mask, frowning at the sound of bone hitting bone. “Of being like this forever! Scared, but I’m still here.”

It was frustrating to know the emotions and the sensations, but being unable to put words to them. Ella wanted to sigh, believing herself to be useless at comforting the man, but his smile made her heart skip a beat. 

“Hey, I think you’re gorgeous.”

“Gorgeous? Me?” Her pale cheek felt hot, and the sensation brought a shiver down her spine. Hot and cold, cold and hot, it was all so amazing! To feel this way again, Ella began to cry, letting tears fall as she smiled. “I’m gorgeous…?”

“Oh, hey, don’t cry! I-I was trying to make you feel better!” Before her hands could touch her tears, he brushed them away. He wiped her face off them, showing such loving and gentle care. 

“You do make me feel better. You make me feel,” she whispered, before moving forward to press her naked body against his. “You make me feel in my bones. In my skin. In my heart…Love.” 

The word just slipped out. She hadn’t meant it to, she didn’t even know the word, but her tongue moved through the air and it shaped her breath, and it felt so right to say…

“Love,” she repeated, smiling as she wiped her tears on his chest. “Love. I feel, I feel love again.”

“H-hey, we just met.” Tobias placed his hands on her shoulders and he pushed her, separating her bodies. “I’ve read about this. The whole world is new to you, and it’s like you’re learning all about it for the first time. It’s amazing, but you have to take it slow.”

“Take it slow?”

“Y-yeah. L-like sex,” he explained, a nervous smile on his face as he blushed. “You need to take it slow at the start.”

Ah, so this man was a teacher of sex? How perfect! “Teach me! Teach me about sex!” She paused, and blushed as she realized her error. “I’m sorry. Can you teach me about sex, please?” she smiled as she placed her skeletal hands together.

“W-wait, you don’t know about sex? The doctor said he explained it to you!” Tobias looked away. “M-maybe we should hold off on th-” 

Ella’s eyes widened. Fear stabbed at her heart, making it race as she realized that her chance at life was at risk.

“No!” She placed her hands on his chest, digging the hard tips into his flesh. “Please, I-I want to live! To live, I need cum! I need your sperm! Please, I want to live!” 

“I-I understand that, but the doc said I need to cum in you, a-and sex is meant is be something between two consenting ad-”

“Then cum in me! I need you too! Please!” She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled the soft, unmasked half of her face against his chest. “Please. I-I need you to cum in me. I’m begging you. I’ll do whatever you ask, just please, help me live again.”

Tobias looked away as his heart, mind, and ‘other’ head argued. There were about a dozen reasons to push her back, to say no, and to just leave, but those reasons were fought by desire and even a sense of duty to help the helpless.

The young human was, unfortunately, a rare breed, chosen for his strength and weaknesses. He was a sexual deviant, and the doctors of the UAA knew it. He could feel his penis throbbing against her body, pressing against her cool, soft flesh. Ella rubbed her naked body against his, her hard nipples poking against him as she gave him such begging, pleading eyes.

Ella’s skull mask did nothing to take away how beautiful he saw her. Nor did the long, thin skeletal arms and legs. His hand brushed against her arm, feeling the smooth bone. There was a beauty to it that he couldn’t deny. Like a finely made sculpture. Her bones were flawless.

His hand brushed against the purple glow between her joints. It was probably the warmest part of her undead body. Not scorching, not even hot. Warm. 

“Please, Tobias. Cum in me.” 

Skeletons needed fresh sperm to maintain their flesh and keep their bones connected. They could walk on the bottom of a lake, hold their breath for days, sit in a fire, but they needed sperm to function. Sperm directly applied to their insides led to the best results…

Tobias’ parents taught him to be kind, and to help the less fortunate.  Right now, being kind meant cumming in Ella and helping her live again…

“Alright,” he whispered. “G-get on the bed. I’ll show you what sex is like. After I cum in you, you should be good for the day.”

“Yes! Thank you!” She jumped up and kissed his cheek, careful not to hit him with her mask. Speaking of which, even the skeletal mask connected to her face seemed to smile at him as she leapt onto the bed. “Let’s begin!” 

Tobias took a deep breath, before looking down at his crotch. His dick was hard, at full mast, eager for the chance to finally fuck a cute skeleton girl. Tobias felt a river of guilt and shame spill over him, but one look at Ella’s smiling face and shining red eyes told him that it wasn’t just fucking a cute monster girl.

A lady needed help, and what kind of gentleman would he be if he said no?

He climbed onto the bed and pulled Ella up. The two moved on the bed, Ella moving quickly, with an excited grin on her face, while Tobias was careful. Some Skeletons could be fragile, and the thought of accidentally breaking the smaller girl curbed his enthusiasm, if only a bit. 

“Alright. F-first, foreplay.”

“Foreplay? Oh, like kissing!” Before Tobias could nod his head, her lips pressed against his as she closed her eyes. Tobias’ eyes widened as her cool, but soft lips gently rubbed against her. Her skull mask brushed against is cheek, so she tilted her head slightly, doing her best to kiss him.

It was… actually really nice. Her lips were impossibly soft, and she had an eagerness to her that blew every other girl he had kissed out of the water. He lifted his hands up, one on her back, gently stroking her skin as his other hand fell on her breast, gently groping and squeezing the small tit.

“Mmm. That feels nice,” Ella commented, breaking the kiss. 

“I-I’m glad.” Tobias caught her lips in another kiss, and this time he gently probed her mouth with his tongue, licking her closed lips. Ella let out the tiniest gasp, before she parted her lips and took his tongue into her mouth. 

Their tongues wrestled, gently smacking against one another. Hers was smaller than his, and clearly out of her element. She gently touched hers to his, before gently hitting them together. Tobias didn’t go too fast or too hard, he wanted her to get comfortable him, even as his cock throbbed with desire. 

The hand on her back rose up, gently rubbing the base of her neck as their kiss intensified. Suddenly Ella pushed her tongue into his mouth, and he couldn’t stop himself from gently sucking on it. She moaned in response, breaking the kiss to stare into his eyes. She was blushing, a bright shade of red in contrast to her pale blue skin.

“I-I think I peed a little? But I haven’t had anything to drink in years,” she thought aloud, and Tobias moved his hand down her chest to feel her pussy. She was wet, and that brought a wave of relief to the young man’s soul.

“No, you’re just wet. It’s normal. It’s good, actually. W-we can move to the next step, if you’re ready.”


He kissed her one last time, before he slowly slid down her body. He left a trail of kisses down her, starting at ner neck and down to her belly. He made sure to give each of her breasts a peck, before he laid down on his back, dick hard and stretching to the roof. 

“Get on top of me. My dick is going to go inside of you…”

“Dick? Oh, is that what your third arm is called?” she asked, climbing onto him so she was on her knees, just over his cock. 

Tobias just nodded his head, holding back a chuckle as he smiled at her. “Now, you take control. I want you to go at your own pace. The only thing is that the dick has to go into here.” He lifted a hand and brushed against her pussy, rubbing the tips of his fingers against her entrance. “Understand?”

“Into me… Y-yes, I understand.” Ella smiled and she took her thin fingers and rubbed against her pussy. She reminded herself that, that was the word for it. Her pussy. Womanhood. Cunt. So many words for such a simple piece of flesh.

Ella gasped as her fingers rubbed against her clit, and before she knew it, she stuck a single finger into her pussy. She was shaking from the small, thin thing. How would it feel to have Tobias’ big thing in her? 

Amazing, she bet. Tobias was such a kind and good man to her, she doubted he would ever hurt her. Without any warning, without any more wasted time, she brought her body down, letting her pussy consume his cock and experiencing what it was like to be fucked.

Tobias moaned loudly, and her moans followed his. Ella took the entire length of his dick in one go, and it was amazing for her. There was no hymen to break, and she was already wet with her own arousal. His dick entered her, as if it was made for her, and it stretched her pussy open as she quivered.

“S-so good!”

“Fuck, y-you’re tight,” Tobias groaned. 

“You’re big!” she giggled, feeling lightning coursing through her veins. “Oh, this is amazing!” she cheered, leaning back as her hands and legs bounced her atop his cock. 

This was heaven for the Skeleton woman. This was fate’s apology for the hell she had endured. This was love, this was joy, this was pleasure. Tears fell from her face as she bounced on top of Tobias, moaning out his name as the tip of his dick kissed her walls. 

Speaking of who, Tobias was blown away by how good Ella felt on his dick. She was so soft, and so warm, and so wet. Her womanhood squeezed his cock, milking it for seed as she bounced on top of him, shaking the bed. Her skeletal thighs brushed against his body, but honestly, that only enhanced the pleasure. 

It felt so fucking good to be fucking the Skeleton girl, and the best part was her face. She was so happy, on top of the world with ecstasy and pleasure. Her mind was going wild as she bounced on top of him, quivering from how his cock rubbed the insides of her pussy. His own mind couldn’t believe how gorgeous she looked on top of him, and his dick throbbed as he felt his orgasm coming. 

“E-Ella, how do you feel?”

“L-like I’m going to… to…” How did she feel? Purple flames spewed out of her joints, and she feared that she was going to burn her new friend. Tobias caught her arm in his, stroking her elbow, and her eyes widened. 

“It’s okay. I got you.” Her fire didn’t burn him? “You feel warm right here… That’s good. It means, ah, y-you’re close.”

“Close?” Close to living again, but more than that. Close to… to blowing up? Yes, she could feel it. The fire burning through her joints as her eyes shimmering like blood-soaked steel. “A-ah! Ah, am I going to blow up?” she whimpered, placing a hand on his leg behind her, squeezing the soft skin.

“No. You’re going to cum, Ella. That’s good, just ahh. Just let it happen!” 

“Cum… Yes,” she mewled. Purple flames spat out of her body as she let out a loud moan. A similar fire began to burn on the back of her head, before it glowed, and long, silvery-white hair fell down her back. Tobias stared at her with wide eyes as she failed to even notice. “I’m going to cum!” 

Her soul burned like a sun, scorching her insides with blissful pleasure and pain as she bounced on his shaft. Tobias grabbed her hips, stroking the smooth bone as she let out a loud cry.



The two cried out together. White seed spilled out of Tobias’ cock, filling Ella’s body as her body drank from the spring of life. The geyser flooded her insides, and her pussy squeezed tightly around his dick. Her pussy was shaped by his penis, and the two moaned as one as their bodies were electrified by the mind-numbing pleasure.

For a moment, neither spoke, their mouths frozen open in silent screams. Finally their bodies went limp, and Ella barely caught herself with her shaking, slender arms. She smiled into his azure eyes, and he smiled back. 

“Nice hair,” he whispered.

“Hair?” She glanced to the side, noticing her hair falling like a waterfall down around her. “I have hair!” Ella let out a gasp, before she laughed and grabbed it with one hand. Her fingers combed through the long locks as she laughed, holding it between their faces. “Look, Tobias! I have hair!” 

Tobias just laughed along with her, smiling into those beautiful, scarlet eyes.


Eventually the two got dressed, and Tobias loaned his shirt to Ella so she wasn’t walking around naked. The couple walked out to find Ella’s doctor, though Tobias had to explain that the older man wasn’t a mystic. They found him in his office, and the two sat before him as the doctor explained her situation.

“We’re going to send you to a group home here in town. There you’ll live with other Skeleton Demis trying to acclimate back into the world of the living, as well as receive an education about the modern world. We already have your paperwork ready, all we need is a signature.”

“What will I do…?” Ella asked.

“Get a job, an income, and just… live, I suppose,” the doctor smiled. “Free to eat, date, and just live whatever life you want.”

“Date… Can I marry someone?”

“As long as they’re of age, of course. You have the same rights as anyone else.”

Tobias smiled for the Skeleton girl, before she turned her head to look at him. “Will you marry me?”

“W-wait, what?” Tobias’ eyes widened, and he shook his head. “H-hold on, let’s take a step back, Ella.” 

“I will need a daily serving of sperm, and you are my closest friend! I would be honored if you donated your sperm to me as my husband!” 

“T-they have sperm banks for that!”

“You know, it’s not uncommon for Skeleton Demis to use their spouses as sperm banks,” the doctor commented.

“Please, Tobias?” The human man placed a hand on Ella’s shoulders, gently pushing her back as she leaned towards him. 

“H-how about we start off with a coffee? A lunch date?” 

“Lunch?” Ella blinked, before smiling. “And afterwards, you’ll cum in me?” Tobias blushed at her bluntness as the doctor quietly sipped his coffee. Her human partner nodded his head, slowly, and Ella beamed. 

She was going to live again. She was alive. For the first time in a long time, all Ella felt was happiness, joy, and hope.


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