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Wake up, coomer we have a lewduty to do!  
This week we are fighting our way through the tower and doing epic crossovers! 


Here is a bit of change of direction with the previously sketched scene:

Vilsa's cute directions for Rated:

Rated’s new take:

Inking in progress:


Aine making Jewel’s headset from Rated’s scenes

The lineart you saw in the previous report is currently already morphing in to a colourful scene slowly:


Desva giving a tour through the tower level he is working on:

Sex room in works:

Coom room:


Ena is all fired up as usual and delivering a new beautiful animation for the first phase on the sweet girl time:

Ena has  added Jenna’s and Pyra’s+Jewel’s animations into their own tracks so their sate can be controlled individually. Pretty cool, right? ( • ᴗ - ) ✧

Also, aaalso Pyra+Jewel animations have squeeze/pinch variations.


PMPerfect has made many additional room pieces for the tower:


 Jugger has been working on our epic crossovers with critically acclaimed lewd fantasy game Erokin as well as finished the nice and squeaky swimsuit for Jenna ♡


Vils working on the epic fighting sequences.

Floria took that lust damage for the homies 😔 ✊ :

 Thank you for reporting on our biweekly lewduty - we can only fight this fight because of you. We wish you a coomtacular weekend, stay safe, gamers!
