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Hello little heroes,

We are reporting on our lewduty with Fourth Crisis.  Not to be confused with Third Crisis.



Heya yall, bear here. I’ve been shocked and angry at Unity and their new business model. Unity suddenly decided that developers have to pay per game install. How they would track that, what counts as an install, how to handle piracy, all those things, nobody knows. Their initial plan would have cost us about $25.000 a MONTH. It’s insane. The current iteration would still make it impossible to have a free version of Third Crisis.

We’ve been in crisis mode ever since they made the announcement. Do we switch Engines? Which games switch engines? To what engine? Unreal? Godot? We’ve accumulated so many years of experience in unity… All of which feels like a massive waste now. We’ll see how things play out in the coming days. We’re all smacked down and disappointed.

Thank you all for your support, all the nice messages in the past days have been heartwarming ♥


Rated has made super sliiick and clean lines for angry pupper Rida! Woof Woof 🐾

Aine Lovia:

Aine has made sure to polish other Jenna’s piercings and added some more. Which one is your favourite? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hey ya, Desva here. (°〇°)ノ

I’ve been working on a super annoying bug with the brain fight.  Due to the engine update the brain got reimported and due to mysterious ways only Unity knows killed the prefab. So I have to animate and put it back together.  I also work on the dominatrix’s personal home where a new mission on the job board will take place. (Maybe I extended it also a bit further, maybe a femboy?)

I also added the drone animation into the game so when you get caught by the drone later on in the game while Carceburg is occupied you now will get a scene for that. Furthermore, some scenes didn’t have sound in them so I added sound to them.


Ena made Jenna work really hard on the lady from TC. Here are the juicy scenes in the making (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧:


Hey yo gamers, for this week was focused in searching for the vibe of ground level of the tower - general layout and vibe, we got the layout going, but as things were going, the idea popped how about we make walls higher for grande vibe and change it a little and overall style slightly more pristine, just so we can make more crumbles in the end tho :), so the vibe will change a lot in upcoming week and also a lot more assets will be added, here are some ideas for level and result of assets brainstorming.
Thank you for your attention, and let me know what you think.
And cya after two weeks! *_*



Just wanted to chime in to mention that our Reddit is back in business. (⌐⎚u⎚)

So if you want to see some hot gifs from our games in your timeline or just spread some love, here is our handle ♡ :


And a little teaser for the character for TC:R.



Neakor has been busy implementing the different routes in Rosas Are Red. Here is a little look on how that looks like:

 As always thank you for all the support you have given in trying times. We hear you, we appreciate you and, as always, we wish you a wonderful weekend, little heroes! ♡




Everyone using unity to make games like Anduo need to switch to another platform like unreal 5. Unity is dead!


If you did have to switch I'd recommend unreal, very good quality and surprising ease of use