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Hello little heroes,

We are reporting on our lewduty with more alternative Vibes this weekend - hop on in! ♡


Aine for the past two weeks has been Jenna’s and small Vibe’s personal tattoo artist. Look at these sickk sleeves! (╯✧▽✧)╯

Trying out some ideas for piercings:


Desva has been getting tangled in many, many lines of animation and making sure that each animation that changes to the other goes in the correct order!

Looks like there are more lines coming to tangle the poor lad up - let’s wish Dazva good luck! (💧・∀・)

He has added Ohm_Ena’s animations to the engine and pulled them together in the animator - those are the threads you see below!  Additionally he also added PMPerfect’s sprites and tested them in the engine. The background you see below has parallax script added to it, w o a h.  (*゚▽゚*)o


PMPerfect has a full deck of fresh sprites right out of the oven! Some of these sprites are still bound to be changed and replaced 0 ever evolving.

Tower interior is about to be build in engine, still a lot of assets are need to flesh it out nicely, but bones are already there ☠️

And here are first screen animations to liven up those monitors and screen we gonna have in the tower :)

Testing out the possible floor decals and how it could be laid out!
With the idea of showcasing the Peitho logo as an enormous ground element, we decided to stick with the last one.


Metal Gear has nothing on this!

Rated has helped the new doggy training come to life, here is one of the first sketches! Woof Woof 🐶🐾


Ena animated the tentacles and gave them EXTRA vigour to really get the juices flowing!

Anduo’s home brewed tentacle grape soda 🐙 🧃

As well as other doggy trainning  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey all! My current workload has been the release cycle of 0.56.0. Right now because of the Unity Engine update, there’s been a few issues that’ve popped up on the Android and Browser versions. For the Android version, there’s a weird way that it handles resolutions that ends up leaving the entire game stretched and completely unplayable, and for Browser, the ‘PLAY’ button and the surrounding HTML code around the game had to be completely redone because Unity decided to completely change how the game loader needs to be wrapped up in HTML.

This is why we decided to release with just the Windows version at first, just so the release could go out while I fix the other versions. At the time of writing this, I’ve got both of these issues fixed up, and all versions of 0.56.0 are now available to early access patrons. Now I’ve got the Steam/GOG and Public versions building and will be working through whatever issues crop up.

As always thank you for your time reading our Patreon report. We are channeling all the best Vibes for your weekend. ♡



Brad Meyer

Oh, the tats are going to actually be in the game? I was under the impression they were more concept art / pinup drawings. That's exciting


That last gif ( Which looks great btw ) requires more context!


Love Body Tattoo and Face Piercing but no Nose ring? Maybe Future XD and Future Body Piercing