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This month’s release adds new improvements to the Lovense integration, pinups, character sprites, pinups, and even more QoL changes and bug fixes!

We're easily reachable on our Discord server for any feedback or bug reports you have! https://discord.gg/V3vuwDw

Go to ThirdCrisis.com to play the game in the browser!


How to Play!

UPDATE: This Link -> USE PASSWORD: patreonApiIsGreat

Step 1: Link up Patreon and itch.io! (This needs to be done for every patch)

Update 30/08 21:51 ECT - There's an issue with the patreon connection. We're waiting for a reply by itchio on solving this issue. Until then, please comment below if you're unable to get access and we'll manually send you a key.


Step 2: Play the new version!



1. You will need to link your itch.io account to your Patreon account. This is done so that only $5+ patrons can play the update.



Brad Meyer

Was this the last of the health updates or is there another one? I've lost track.

Declan Milan

Is there going to be a health update for Android or just for PC


The health update is on all versions, right now Android and Browser have ran into separate problems with the Unity Engine update that both need fixing. That's why they're still being worked on right now. We wanted to get the Windows version out though since it's working well.


There will be one more health update after this! After that, three (maybe four) finale updates, with that last finale update being the big 1.0.0 release.


i want to ask should i only do purple lines or white lines or a mix?


yeah I also have the download issue (which is ironic because it worked yesterday lol)


im unable to as well


Heya, please use the password patreonApiIsGreat On this website: https://anduogames.itch.io/third-crisis-056-patreon


If I want to Update the apk an error occurs. Why is that?


Do I have to restart everything? Why cant I Upgrade on android? I downloaded the file/apk and tried to install/ Update but an Error occurs...


Heya, you have to uninstall the previous version and then install the new version. Do make sure to make a backup of your savefile: Android/data/com.AnduoGames.ThirdCrisis/files/Saves


I also have the problem with itch.


I am unable to get access via Itch

Mason OHara

are you guys going to release a mac version anytime soon?


Where i Can find my passWord for the update ?


Could I get a link keep getting download error.