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How long had it been?

How many years had passed since he’d last taken a life, since he’d known such incredible joy? And how much longer did he need to wait until he could know such happiness again?

A snicker escaped the nightmare spirit’s twisted lips. The answers to such questions were connected, for today marked fifty years since his untimely death, fifty years since the vile Jerry Goober had perished in that housefire. He’d never forget that night, never forget how much his final victim had struggled against him. The boy had caused a real ruckus down at the school, and once others were alerted to what was going on, well, Jerry’s secret was out.

Who would have ever suspected that the kindly old groundskeeper was behind the shocking string of murders plaguing the neighborhood? How could such a soft-spoken, simple man commit such atrocities? Had he played his cards a little better, perhaps Jerry would have been able to keep getting away with indulging in his hobby; alas, it was not to be.

It had all gone south very quickly once he’d been spotted. He’d evaded his pursuers, made it back home, and readied himself for his last stand. Imagine his surprise when it wasn’t the police who ultimately stormed his home, but the many angry parents of his victims. Several of them suffered the same fate as their children, Jerry delighting in slashing them up with his favorite, bladed glove. And yet one of those dolts had gotten lucky and landed a direct hit with a Molotov cocktail. The fire had burnt away at Jerry’s flesh and, ultimately, the building itself.

It should have been the end of his legacy, Jerry burning to death as his home crumbled around him. And yet he hadn’t been satisfied with such an end, his need for carnage tethering his spirit to the site of his demise.

At first it had seemed an eternal punishment, one that had only contributed to Jerry’s madness as he lingered within the world of the living. However, things had changed. As the years passed, Jerry found himself able to travel further from his resting place, far enough to reach other homes. Attempts to mangle others with his ghostly blades proved futile, yet the spirit discovered other tools that allowed him to cause harm.

Particularly, his ability to invade dreams.

Thus had been born the legend of the sinister, cackling man who twisted even the sweetest of dreams to horrific nightmares. Jerry tortured his victims, subjecting them to their worst fears and ensuring their torment knew no end. Their fear and anguish sustained him, allowing the revenant to spread his influence further than ever before. He drank in their terror, his mad cackles rippling through the spirit realm as he delighted in such sweet suffering.

And yet, killing was off the table. Sure, a few of his victims had ended up so horribly scarred that they’d left town altogether, but Jerry wasn’t able to kill anyone in his current state. It was a sore point for the murderer, the spirit longing for the days of spilling blood and taking lives.

“Soon.” The word rattled out of Jerry’s eternally parched lips as his charred flesh twisted around his smile. It had been a long journey, fifty years of showing restraint and biding his time. After all, he couldn’t simply invade the dream of every person in town; if word got out that everyone was experiencing such horrific nightmares, who was to say there wouldn’t be a mass exodus? No, he’d been careful in his machinations, preferring to live on as a bogeyman rather than the nightmare lord who cast a shadow over the small college town.

At least, until the chance to kill again arrived. For after fifty years of collecting power, of feeding on the terror of his hapless victims, Jerry knew it was time. Tonight, at long last, he’d enjoy a nice slaughter.

And he’d been gifted the perfect venue for his grand return. For once the city council remembered that there was a fine piece of real estate sitting empty after the previous home had burned down, they’d gotten to work on development straight away. The new blood didn’t know about its dark past, and even if they did, why would they care? There was money to be made in their eyes.

The nearby college had gotten involved in the negotiations at some point, and after some long, drawn-out discussions, it was agreed to build a new fraternity house on the land. It had taken time, but at long last it stood.

His home. For much like the fraternity brothers who’d recently moved in, Jerry had taken the time to become acquainted with the house. How nice the west wing would look, painted with blood. How fun it would be to position his victims in such lovely poses once he was done with them. Soon, it would be his sanguine sanctuary, his macabre mansion. He’d relish in the lovely screams of his victims, just as he had in the past, and partake in his most glorious feast yet.

And he couldn’t wait.

Stalking the halls on the anniversary of his demise, Jerry hummed to himself as he scraped his claw against the hall. Under ordinary circumstances, he might have alerted his to-be-victims to his approach, but being a revenant certainly had its perks. He recalled the tune as something the neighborhood children had come up with decades ago, a little nursery rhyme about him with the very clear message to wake up as quickly as possible if Jerry appeared in a dream. Many had heeded that warning, while others had not.

Jerry cackled. Just thinking about the trauma he’d inflicted on those deep sleepers brought him such joy. But that would be nothing compared to the euphoria that awaited him tonight. Perhaps he was still incorporeal. Perhaps, his blades were only sharp enough to cut through air.

But with his new powers now at their peak, it simply didn’t matter. For this time when he invaded a dream, well, there’d be no waking up for his poor victims.

Anticipation welling within, Jerry passed through a doorway and cackled as he emerged on the other side. Within slept a trio of boys: his first real victims in half a century. Jerry studied the slumbering young adults and wondered who would have the honor of dying first.

He decided not to dwell on it too much; it wasn’t wise to be picky, not after waiting for so very long to experience another kill. He’d been fairly indiscriminate in the past when choosing victims; what reason was there to change that now? The closest would do just fine, Jerry eyeing up the fair-skinned man with a grin.

More mad laughter escaped his lips as the realization hit: the poor boy was already under the thrall of a nightmare. The occasional whimper escaped his lips as he tossed and turned, the freshman clearly struggling to awaken. Unfortunately for him, Jerry wasn’t about to let that happen.

After all, who was he, a nightmare spirit, to resist such sweet temptation? Here was this nice boy, practically gift-wrapping Jerry his first kill in half a century. What right did he have to turn it down? A murderous glint in his eyes, he positioned himself above the boy.

And jumped right in.

“H-Help! Please, let me go!”

Jerry almost wanted to pinch himself. Was he dreaming? Well, he supposed he was, or at least his victim was. Still, to be served up his first victim on a golden platter like this, to have him completely defenseless, why, it truly was a dream come true. Perhaps, he was finally being compensated for fifty years of patience.

There, strapped down to a torture device used to stretch limbs and cause unimaginable pain, was his next victim. There was no missing the fear in the young man’s bright eyes as he glanced around the dark, torchlit chamber, no missing his frantic yet feeble efforts to break free of his iron-clad restraints. He was terrified out of his mind, the idea of being trapped within this old chamber no doubt a fear of his.

And the best part was, he hadn’t even seen Jerry yet.

The killer’s grin widened as he closed his eyes and took in a deep whiff of the air. Yes, he could sense the fear, the fear of having limbs torn off, of being trapped down here to rot without hope of salvation.

Jerry’s smirk faltered; had he still eyebrows, they would have knitted together in confusion. For there was more than fear here, and it had a sickly-sweet smell that didn’t agree with Jerry. He shook his head; no deterrent was getting in the way of his first kill, not when he had every intention of making it as delightful as possible. He’d be a fool not to press forward, and Jerry Goober was no fool.

He knew it was time to feast; as fun as lurking within the shadows was, he wasn’t going to kill the boy by simply staring at him. He’d waited long enough for this moment, for his moment to arrive, and with a growl he simply couldn’t contain, he emerged from the darkness.

Which was when things got weird.

The boy gasped as Jerry revealed himself, and yet the nightmare lord didn’t gaze upon the terror he’d grown used to seeing within his victims. Sure, there was surprise to be found in the brunette’s bright eyes, but none of the horror, none of the fear that he so enjoyed. Was the boy some kind of nightmare fetishist, or perhaps-

“M-Ms. Nash!?”

“Well well, detention again, Mr. Kane? You sure have been a bad boy recently.” It wasn’t until the words escaped Jerry’s lips that he realized how wrong everything was. What was up with his voice? Since when did he sound like a woman? Why would he say something like that?

And since when did he answer to Ms. Nash?

It only took a quick look down for the killer to realize how very weird a turn the dream had taken. He wasn’t a stranger to assuming different forms within dreams: as terrifying as his “natural” form was, there were others better suited for his victims. And he did ever so love appeasing the arachnophobes.

Yet as she looked down at her body, Jerry wasn’t sure how she was supposed to invoke fear looking like this. From the look of things, she was a young woman with flowing dark locks, an impressive set of hips, and a bust that no doubt explained why students in her class struggled to pay attention to her lessons. A skimpy black leather outfit clung to her body, helping to accentuate her curvy form in all the right places. It was a far cry from the baggy, worn sweater Jerry so enjoyed, the spirit simply in awe at her transformed state.

She took a moment to examine her arms, the smooth skin quite the contrast from the rugged, burnt flesh she was used to. In fact, all of her old scars and marks appeared to have cleared up, the only “blemish” on her skin being the small beauty mark beneath her left eye. Just exactly what was happening here?

“Y-You look great.”

They were not words a nightmare spirit should have enjoyed hearing; if anything, the idea of not looking terrifying to the boy should have sealed the fool’s fate.

Instead, Jerry smirked. “Do I now? You know, you’re quite out of your league, Mr. Kane. Tell me, how often do you dream of me?” Even as the words escaped her lips, the spirit had to wonder what exactly was going on. It was like she couldn’t help but to flirt with the boy, Jerry starting to wonder if maybe she was just trying to lower her victim’s guard. Still, that didn’t seem right to her.

To the revenant’s horror, the boy blushed. “A-A lot,” he admitted. “B-But usually I’m just handcuffed or something; this is a first.”

“Is that so?” Jerry flexed the whip she hadn’t even realized she’d been holding, a purr passing through her soft lips as she chuckled in that sultry voice of hers. “Then it seems you want this dream to be very…special.”

Before Jerry could stop herself, her right hand was on the boy’s bare chest. Her bladed glove was nowhere to be seen as she felt the boy’s abs, as she gazed into his eyes and found it hard to look away. “Still, to think one of my students is fantasizing about me. This is all rather taboo.”

“H-Hey, I graduated a few months back; I think it should be fine now.”

Jerry winked. “Oh, is that so? Then perhaps we should, dare I say, go a little further?”

It was the strange aura surging from the boy that finally knocked sense back into Jerry, the revenant pulling her hand away as she took a step back. The sound of a heel hitting the floor resounded throughout the chamber as the nightmare spirit struggled to comprehend what was happening. Had this boy somehow taken control of the dream? And what on earth was she doing, playing along like this? This was supposed to be a nightmare, the boy’s final dream, not a wet one!

Something was wrong, Jerry’s desire to kill the boy struggling to remain afloat. Not when there was a growing curiosity about what it would be like to do other things with the muscular, dreamy young man who-

“H-Hey, wait!”

Jerry ignored the boy’s plea as she simply faded away. As much as she hated to delay her first kill, things were simply getting far too weird for her to handle. And until she knew what exactly was going on, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy her first kill in years.

Jerry realized something was off the moment he emerged from the dream.

“Wh-What is this?” The words had scarce escaped his lips when Jerry froze, his glove-free hand moving to his lips as he paused. His voice was different somehow, softer than it should have been. It wasn’t as it had been moments before, but something was definitely off about it. It barely even registered to the spirit that his lips felt a bit smoother than usual as he touched them, for Jerry had other things to worry about.

The most obvious was the realm around him, the world that he was so used to seeing clouded in a hazy gray fog. Was it just him, or did it all seem lighter than usual, thinner than it should have? And was that a hint of color he sensed? After fifty years of seeing the living world through such a filter, such a sudden change left the spirit speechless.

At least, until he noticed something else that was wrong. For whereas before he’d towered over the sleeping pervert, Jerry found that the boy was a lot closer than he’d been before. Had the world around him gotten bigger somehow?

Or had he gotten smaller?

Jerry cursed as he looked down at his body. It wasn’t just his voice that was different; his hips were wider too, though nowhere near the size that the dominatrix teacher had possessed. And were those hints of breasts starting to push up against his sweater?

The nightmare spirit glared at the boy, his previously troubled face now looking serene as he slept. It was hard to believe it, but Jerry knew that his current form had something to do with the freshman’s dream, with his desire to do all sorts of kinky stuff with his favorite teacher.

Jerry shivered as he turned away. He focused on returning to normal, on once more becoming the horrifying revenant of nightmares. Yet his form refused to change, eliciting an angry hiss from the man. He attempted to feed on fear to enhance his powers, only to find that other, strange, sweet-smelling energy around him. And upon getting a whiff of that, he stopped trying to feast; with how weird it made him feel, he didn’t want to risk it.

What did he do now? Retreat and figure out what was going on? Or press on, and hope that the other two roommates could sate his needs? Still, if the others were even half as perverted as their bondage friend, was it even worth it?

Considering his options, Jerry turned to face the door. And as he caught sight of the small charm hanging upon it, a disgusted sneer spread across his lips.

“So, you’re behind this?” Jerry’s softer voice trembled with rage as he eyed the dreamcatcher. There it was: the reason everything had gone so wrong within that first dream. No doubt when he’d entered the room, he’d passed straight through the old charm, against the bane of his existence. It certainly explained why his powers weren’t working as well, and perhaps even his strange behavior within that dream.

Seriously, who even kept dreamcatchers anymore? Did one of the boys have a preteen sister who’d forced her big brother to hang one up? Jerry rolled his eyes in disgust, knowing well what this meant for the rest of the night. Despite knowing better, he placed a hand on the door. Just as he thought; leaving the room was no longer an option, not with this nasty little trap set in place.

Jerry sighed as he turned back to the sleeping boys. He hadn’t imagined his grand return turning out like this, the spirit rather upset by the unpleasant turn things had so quickly taken. Still, he wasn’t one to give up, not when he was on the verge of greatness. After all, it wasn’t like he hadn’t escaped from dreamcatchers before, Jerry knowing that he simply needed to harvest some more fear energy from his victims.

The spirit grinned once more as he walked over to the snoring, dark-skinned boy at the end of the room. Perhaps this one would be his first victim now, Jerry shooting a disgusted look at the other boy nearby. He’d have his vengeance on him in time, but now, he needed to leave his baggage behind. No focusing on that strange-scented energy he could still feel hanging in the air, no dwelling on past mistakes. Now, it was just him and the poor fool before him.

Jerry raised his clawed hand above the slumbering boy as he began conjuring nightmares. It wasn’t long before a few grunts and whimpers escaped the freshman’s lips, signaling it was time to strike. And with a less convincing cackle than usual, the spirit dove right in.

It truly was a dive, Jerry thought, the spirit realizing that he was currently underwater as he studied his surroundings. A glance down revealed the dark abyss: a place where Jerry had dragged countless dreamers screaming throughout the years. It was a welcome sight to the spirit; after the series of unpleasant swerves his night had taken so far, seeing the pit of darkness was a sight for sore eyes.

It didn’t take him long to find his victim; with all the thrashing the young man was doing to stay afloat, it would have been odd had the spirit not noticed him. Jerry grinned as he watched the man struggle to keep above the surface, the familiarity of the situation putting him at ease. He’d dealt with countless aquaphobes in the past; the only difference this time around would be that the poor boy wouldn’t be awakening.

His smile widened as he shifted forms willingly, his crooked teeth soon the gleaming maw of a great shark. It was a favorite form of Jerry’s, especially since that one movie had caused so many people to develop such an intense fear of the creatures. He began circling the man from below, slowly making his way closer and closer to the surface. And as he drew closer, he drank in the scent of fear, the energy reinvigorating Jerry as he opened his mouth wide.

It was almost a shame, to make such quick work of this one. Bare-chested, he really was quite a looker, what with his large pecs and-

The shark shook its head. Where was this coming from? Was the taint of his previous dream still lingering? Jerry snarled, pushing such thoughts further back as he changed course. He needed the man’s fear, needed it feeding him just as his flesh soon would. Jerry was certain that once the man realized what was happening, once he knew his death was inevitable, the fear he’d feel would be enough to empower the revenant, allowing him to escape that cursed dreamcatcher and massacre the other boys with ease.

Knowing now was his moment, he shot up straight toward the struggling boy just as he began sinking into the depths.

And kissed him on the lips.

“Mmmm…” It felt so good, the taste of his lips against hers, the sensation of breathing life back into the poor boy before he could drown. His eyes opened, the chocolate colored orbs leaving Jerry ready for another kiss, for another chance to feel that wonderful sensation so very new to her.

It took a moment before Jerry realized how very wrong the situation was. Why hadn’t she sunk her teeth into the man? Why was he still alive? Why was he looking at her in awe, like she was something beautiful rather than nightmarish?

Only when she gazed down did she realize the problem. The massive frame of a great black was nowhere to be seen, though that didn’t mean Jerry had completely reverted to being human. To her shock, a large, shiny pink fish tail composed her body from the waist down, though that was hardly the only shocking observation she made. After all, it was hard to even see past the large breasts sitting on her chest, the seashell bra leaving very little to the imagination.

Panic gripped Jerry’ mind as the mermaid struggled to figure out what was happening. Why had she transformed again? Was it that accursed dreamcatcher? Even here, was its power-

The sensation of the man’s fingers gently pressing up against her chin stole away Jerry’s attention. Before she knew it, she was meeting his eyes, his dreamy, chocolate brown eyes and that warm, inviting gaze of his. A sweet scent enveloped her as a strange, pleasurable warmth began burning within her. Just like that, she was kissing the boy again. She wanted him to feel good, to feel happy, to know the same delight she did.

Her right hand was inches from his crotch before she snapped out of it. Even as her body commanded her to indulge in her blooming desires, she pulled back, the mermaid shaking her head as she swam away from the confused boy. Since when had they been in this pretty coral reef anyway? Since when had the sun shined so brightly overhead?

And since when did she want to go back for another kiss?

It took effort, but Jerry managed to conjure up his powers and escape the ocean, and by extension, the dream.

Things weren’t getting any better.

Jerry panted as he collapsed to his knees, his hands planted to the wooden flooring beneath as he struggled to get his bearings. He’d thought things couldn’t have gotten weirder after the first dream, that it was but a fluke in what would be a night of carnage.

Yet here he was, struggling against the strange, foreign pleasure coursing through him. Was it not fear that sustained him? Was it not the screams of his victims, the terror they felt as he stalked them through their nightmares, that gave him strength?

Why then did just thinking about that kiss make him tingle so? Why did the thought of those hunky boys playing with him, teasing him, get him so worked up? Jerry needed to rid himself of this strange pleasure, this strange, addictive energy, yet despite his efforts he failed to relieve himself of it. And the worst part was, it was getting harder to resist its allure, to resist the temptation to seek out more of it.

Raising his gaze, Jerry realized just how warped everything was. Gone was the thick gray fog that enshrouded all; in its place was a light, pink mist that seemed to dance through the air. It had a sweet scent to it, nothing like the heavy, mildew smell he’d grown used to. It smelled quite nice, reminding him of those lovely kisses, of the feel of the boy’s bare chest beneath her-

Jerry growled, only to discover another alarming change. His voice was even lighter than before, the scared spirit raising a hand to his neck as he felt for something that simply wasn’t there. He made a few soft noises, each of which sounded like they were coming from a young woman rather than a nightmarish specter.

His form hadn’t been spared by his last dream either: a glance down made it quite clear that the bumps on his chest had grown larger, although it was the sensation of soft locks brushing against his shoulders that truly alarmed Jerry. He had been bald prior to the housefire that had claimed his life, yet here he was with a full head of hair. And hadn’t it been black in life? It seemed far lighter than he remembered.

Though the same was true for his skin, Jerry trembling a bit as he gazed down at his spectral form. What had caused his skin to clear up so much? He hardly looked like a burn victim now, not with how much smoother his arms looked. And was it his imagination, or did his skin seem a bit pinker than usual?

Jerry closed his eyes, knowing that these changes, this strange metamorphosis only ran deeper. He knew his butt was bigger, knew that his face was no longer the terrifying visage that had plagued nightmares for decades. And the worst part was, part of him seemed okay with that. A growing part of him was happy like this, happy to have an attractive body that made boys go crazy. That way, he’d be able to know that wonderful energy again, to bask in that warm, tantalizing pleasure that-

“No!” The word came out far less terrifying than the nightmare spirit desired. He needed to put an end to this madness, to somehow return to full strength. Otherwise, how would he ever escape from this room and the perverted desires lingering within?

Jerry swallowed hard as he turned to the last of the sleeping boys. Did he dare risk entering, dare risk continuing to change even further? The revenant tried to block out the part of himself that desired more of that wonderful pleasure; he got joy from killing, not from boys!

Still as Jerry drew closer, he realized that now wasn’t the time to focus on taking the boy’s life. After the disasters that had been his last two dream excursions, perhaps tuning down his ambition a bit would be best. Rather than go in with the intent of slaying the boy, it would be better to stick to his usual routine, to feast on fear rather than blood. Perhaps, that would be enough to ensure his success.

Bracing himself for once, the spirit looked down at the blonde young man and slipped right into his dreams.

“And here he is, everyone! The one you’ve all been waiting for! Harry Lee!”

The stadium went wild, hundreds, no thousands of fans cheering as the star quarterback of the college football team rushed out onto the field. He cheerfully waved at the crowd, a confident smile on his lips as he strode out to bask in their adoration.

Jerry simply observed, hands crossed over his chest as he watched the late teen bask in the glory. It took the nightmare spirit a moment to realize he’d assumed a new form without even thinking about it, much to his chagrin. A glance down was all it took to reveal he was now a busty blonde cheerleader, the sight of his new, curvy body giving Jerry goosebumps.

He tried to remain calm. After all, it was the perfect disguise for observing the boy and helping to lower his guard. He’d unconsciously chosen the perfect form for spying, he attempted to justify; it most certainly had nothing to do with that warm, pleasurable feeling that only seemed to build up with each dream he visited.

Jerry wasn’t given much time to focus on himself; the loud chorus of laughter that quickly overrode the cheers for Harry forced her attention back to the boy. To his shock, the blonde’s bulky uniform was nowhere to be seen, the quarterback a flustered mess as he tried to cover up. Stripped down to his underwear, the boy was clearly humiliated as his fans turned on him, the boy now the laughingstock of the entire stadium.

It was the perfect time to strike, Jerry knew. He needed to attack now while Harry was vulnerable, to use his embarrassment, his fear of rejection, and drain the boy of his power.

But god, he was so damn hot.

Jerry, no, Jenny’s mouth simply hung open as she drifted closer to the boy. He’d looked ripped in his sleep, but seeing his powerful, muscular body without any clothing to conceal his impressive biceps and pecs? It was almost too much for the poor, boy-crazy spirit, a burning need spreading within her busty form. She risked a glance down and realized that the boy’s underwear didn’t leave much to the imagination; his muscular frame wasn’t the only part of him that was impressive.

Jenny shook her head when she was only a couple of feet away from the boy. Wait, this was all wrong. Why was she thinking like this? She needed to stop, to leave before it was too late.

She was caught off guard as moans and cries of desire exploded from the audience, Jenny blinking as she stared at the stands in disbelief. It wasn’t just Harry anymore; everyone had been stripped down to their underwear, and they didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. Lust rampaged through the audience, men and women starting to make out, to touch one another, to give in to the same burning need swelling within Jenny. Only too late did the blonde realize she was equally scantily clad as the others, the red lingerie only accentuating her curves.

“E-Excuse me.”

As the stud’s deep voice slipped into her head, Jenny felt her resistances crumbling. She turned, meeting the tall, handsome quarterback’s gaze as he towered above her. Within his stormy blue eyes burned desire, the same black-hot lust flooding through the cheerleader as she trembled before him. The desire to inflict pain, to cause fear, everything that had sustained the spirit for the past half century quickly leaked out of Jenny’s ears as she acted, doing exactly what she needed to do: she leapt straight into Harry’s arms, and brought her lips to his.

He was happy to reciprocate, Harry kissing back with such intensity Jenny feared she might lose it. Still, she did her best to keep up with the experienced kisser, to make him feel as good as she felt. For a new form of power surged through the teenager, its strength only surpassed by how incredibly horny the spirit was as she made out with the quarterback. She’d never felt so good before, so fulfilled, and it only encouraged her to keep kissing the nearly naked young man.

She cooed as she felt his callused hands on her chest, as he began to explore her body. And she welcomed it, Jenny ready to be taken right then and there if Harry so desired. Others might have been embarrassed in a situation like this, but her?

She thrived off it.

“Ahhh…hah…Harry…” Jenny moaned as she finally pulled herself free of Harry’s dream, the spirit panting wildly as she struggled to recover from the incredible make-out session. She felt amazing, and as she gazed back at the dreamy, sleeping boy, she had no doubt he felt the same; the sticky surprise he’d awake to in his underwear the next morning was testament to that.

The giggling lust spirit slowly rose, the world now rosy pink and perfect in her eyes. Why had she ever been so fascinated with fear, with harming people and inflicting pain? It felt so much better to just give in to her carnal needs, to embrace the incredible lust energy that clung to her even now. She felt divine, and as she allowed the energy to empower her, to become one with her, she delighted in her most drastic transformation yet.

“Oooh!” The delighted cry escaped Jenny’s soft lips, her face no longer the burnt visage of a killer, but the pretty face of a young woman in the throes of lust. Long blonde locks exploded down her back, the wavy sea of hair reaching past her knees. It seemed to sway within the air without the help of any wind, Jenny’s magical nature making itself known as she found herself floating in the center of the room.

“S-So good!” She squealed, Jenny happily embracing the changes as they washed over her. Her hips and butt grew even more, while her breasts ballooned until they were big enough to truly turn heads. Immediately her clothes started shifting to better accommodate her new form: her sweater simply tore itself to shred, the garment perhaps so ashamed it had ever deemed itself worthy of the lust spirit that it practically disintegrated. In its place, a small golden breast plate covered up Jenny’s breasts, a huge cleavage window on display for all to gaze upon. Beneath extended a small black leather top with a large heart-shaped hole in its center, the cover the garb offered truly miniscule; just the way Jenny liked it.

A long, frilly skirt replaced her torn jeans, though it failed to offer much in the way of coverage. A large opening at the front left little to the imagination, the spirit’s new, eternally-wet vagina only concealed by a tight pair of panties with the female symbol at their center. Knee length leather boots covered most of her legs, though even they made a point of showing off her perfectly pedicured toes.

Jenny threw back her head as a big, beautiful hat appeared atop it. Decorated with countless frilly bows and fresh flowers, it was a gaudy thing that Jerry would have never been caught dead wearing. Jenny Goober, meanwhile, never wanted to be without it. A choker appeared around her neck, a coo leaving the girl’s soft lips as she looked back at one Joshua Kane. Right now, his bondage fetish sounded perfect to her, the lust spirit rubbing her legs together like an overly-active cricket in anticipation.

Without even thinking she brought her gloved-hand down to her groin, though even her favorite weapon had undergone quite the change. Only two long nails protruded from the much prettier glove, and the most they could do was cause scrapes. Still, Jenny couldn’t help but bite her lip as she looked upon it; she knew boys loved it when she raked them with love scratches.

“Ahhh…” Jenny purred, her hands stroking her smooth, bare arms as she squirmed in delight. Her bright pink skin seemed to burn with the same need emanating from her groin, an unquenchable thirst that could never fully be sated. Her buxom chest gave a bounce as she returned to the floor, the lust spirit far too needy for her own good. She needed more, more power, more pleasure, and nowhere was that more visible than her eyes: within the sea of red irises sat two asian, heart-shaped pupils.

For a moment she wondered which boy to entertain herself with, only to giggle as she shook her head. She could be such a ditz sometimes: why limit herself to one, or even three, when there was a household full of horny boys at her beck and call. The pink mist swirled around her as she worked her magic, her power over dreams conjuring up quite the lovely experience for everyone to enjoy.

It wasn’t long before she saw them. The three roommates were the first to appear, the trio blinking stupidly as they looked upon Jenny’s curvy form in a mix of awe and desire. Soon others began to appear, other hunky boys that the lust spirit couldn’t wait to try out. She grinned as she placed her hands on her hips, delight shimmering in her eyes as she simply waited for them to act.

“Well, boys? Fancy some fun with little old me?” She batted her eyes at the group, Jenny softly biting down on her lower lip as she simply waited for them to make the first move.

To her delight, they weren’t idiots. It only took a few seconds before Jenny’s body was besieged by pleasure, her breasts feeling wonderful as they were freed from her top. This was what she wanted, what she needed them to do, Jenny’s own desires driving the fraternity brothers far more than their own rational thoughts and desires. They were thrown into a lusty frenzy, and it only caused Jenny’s powers to surge as she gave in to her own needs and drank in their desires.

Soon dicks were whipped out, Jenny indulging in them even as she encouraged some of the boys to play with her breasts. And it felt divine, so good that Jenny hoped this euphoria would never end. But then again, why would it? She was more powerful than ever before, and with a place like this as her headquarters, why, she certainly didn’t need to worry about running out of lust energy anytime soon. After all, she could think of few hornier than fraternity brothers to keep her sustained.

She delighted as Joshua pinned her down, Jenny smirking as she realized she didn’t mind being the one restrained between the two of them. Still, that didn’t stop her from jerking off Clarence, the black man looking like he was only moments from painting her body native american with semen. And then there was Harry; as Jenny looked down at the sea of pubic hair around his groin, she couldn’t help but think he really lived up to his name. The others were all impressive too, but she knew she owed these three in particular for opening her eyes, for helping her realize how wonderful an existence she could now live.

And as Joshua thrusted into her, granting Jenny her first taste of sex, she promised to make a point of becoming very well acquainted with all of them.

“Ahh…hnng…” Joshua Kane groaned as he awoke, the freshman rubbing his head as he returned to the waking world. As a morning person, Joshua usually didn’t have much trouble getting up, but this morning was different. Was it possible to feel both utterly exhausted and completely refreshed at the same time? It barely made sense to the brunette, yet there was no better way for him to put it: while his body felt like it hadn’t gotten much rest at all, he felt really, really good for some reason.

The freshman turned to his alarm clock. As he feared, he’d overslept a bit; thankfully he didn’t have any classes until the afternoon. Still, it wasn’t like him to sleep in; the fact that Clarence and Harry were already up and in the midst of a conversation just proved what an oddity this morning was.


The two boys turned to acknowledge him. “Morning.”

“Not like you to sleep in,” Harry observed. “Have a good dream?”

“I-I think so.” Try as he did, Joshua struggled to recall the dream, to remember the exact scenario that had held him hostage in the sleeping realm for longer than usual. Though as a cold, damp sensation at his groin finally set in, the young man found his attention elsewhere.

The brunette swallowed hard. Had he wet himself? Impossible. He hadn’t wet his bed since he was four. But if it wasn’t urine currently spread all over the front of his boxers, that could only mean one thing.

A little heat entered the young man’s cheeks. He didn’t dare speak about it in front of his roommates, didn’t dare-

“Did you have a wet dream too?”

Joshua didn’t bother concealing his surprise as he faced the two, Clarence and Harry both looking a bit sheepish, much to Joshua’s shock. “W-What do you mean by ‘too’?”

Clarence nervously scratched his short dark hair. “This doesn’t leave this room, alright?”


The man continued with a sigh. “When I woke up, well, I found myself in the same situation I’m pretty sure you’re in.”

Joshua gaped, his eyes now turning to Harry. “And you?”

The rookie football player averted his eyes. “Can we please not talk about this?”

“Sure,” Clarence said with a shrug. “But with how much you were swearing and dabbing away with those tissues, pretty sure you’re in the same boat.”

The blonde glared at his roommate, only to sigh and shake his head. “That’s not all though.” He turned around, showing Joshua a few red streaks along his back. Had someone scratched him up. Facing Clarence, the brunette realized he too had similar marks along his body. And then there were the hickeys coating his neck and chest, ones Joshua was pretty sure hadn’t been there the previous night.

The brunette swallowed hard as he lifted off his shirt. He knew he shouldn’t have been amazed after the little preview he’d been given, but low and behold, hickeys and scratch marks coated his upper body as well. He tentatively moved a finger to one of the long red lines, only to shiver as a surge of pleasure rippled through him.

“O-Okay, what the hell is this about!?”

“Honestly, no idea,” Harry answered. “Could be a prank, but we’re sort of thinking it might be something else, weird as it sounds.”

Joshua swallowed as he faced his roommate. “And that something is?”

“You had a really good dream last night, right? Even if you can’t remember everything that happened in it, I’m sure you realize that much.”

“H-How did you know about that?” The words escaped Joshua before he had a chance to really think about them. Had he had a good dream? It certainly explained him sleeping in, yet try as he did, he could only recall fragments. A dark chamber. The crack of a whip. And a beautiful woman in heat.

Much to his embarrassment, he realized he was getting hard again just thinking about it.

“Same boat as us.”

Clarence nodded. “Can’t really recall it all that well, but dude, I think it was one of the best I ever had.”

“Same,” Harry said. “Think I made out with this really hot girl. Still, what are the odds? All three of us having wet dreams on the same night? Might be a sign that we’re destined to be together.”

Clarence threw a pillow at the blonde as he rolled his eyes. “Sorry, don’t swing that way. Still, it is pretty odd, isn’t it?”

“Definitely,” Joshua agreed, his mind still spinning from the series of revelations. “But umm, do you think it means anything? I mean, it’s a little weird to all be a coincidence, right?”

Harry shrugged. “Don’t think about it too much. Weird shit happens all the time in this world. Now come on, you might want to change your underwear.”

“R-Right. Good call.”

Jenny giggled as she watched the brunette strip, the lust spirit kicking her feet back and forth as she simply floated in the air above the three dreamboats. It was so amusing, the lust-filled orgy they’d all so very much enjoyed together nearly forgotten by the trio who’d been so eager to sate her needs all night long. She might have felt hurt, but that was simply the way things worked. So many dreams, even pleasurable ones, didn’t remain within one’s memory for too long, and honestly, that was for the best.

Especially in her case; if the boys remembered she was appearing to them every night from now on, why, they might grow tired of her. And she certainly couldn’t have that. No, she was looking forward to surprising them again, to bringing their most carnal desires to life and feeding off all the lust they had to offer. Now, all she had to do was wait a few more hours until they were all tired again before it was time to feast once more, to show them whole new worlds of pleasure as they empowered her.

And she couldn’t wait.

One, two, Jenny’s coming for you.

Three, four, she’s a dirty whore.

Five, six, whip out your dicks.

Seven, eight, she’ll make you feel great.

Nine, ten, cum again and again.



I think there's another find replace error. Looks like "white" got replaced with "Hispanic" somewhere. So right now Jerry turns into a Great Hispanic shark, and then further down it's a Great Black shark instead.