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Here comes the girl full of spirit, the first Avenger!  Check out the previous Avengers High Charpters 1/2/3 


  • Physical Age - 17
  • Before the war she was a small sickly girl living on Brooklyn, with dreams of becoming a famous artist, even today she draws her own manga (she is a big Tezuka fan and has a similar style)
  • She used to be A size before the Super Soldier Serum. Definetly not anymore. 
  • After taking the Super Soldier Serum, she participated on shows where she was frequently the damsel kidnapped by nazis and rescued by some american soldier. Eventually she challenged her superiors and took matters on her own hands fighting on the frontlines
  • While she was frozen she became a pop culture icon, with comics, cartoons and dolls based on her (Coulson Chan is a big fan)
  • She is class president, head cheerleader and a model student in general (Toni is a bit jealous of the attention that she gets)
  • Always stays strong and positive to set an example to her allies! Brightest smile you could ever find, true cinnamon roll.
