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A short animations to bring in some of the characters in Expand Corp Lockdown! I've decided to reboot the series a bit, as I would like to redo some of my original concepts using the knowledge I've built up over the last year.

I hope you like it!

For the downloaders, you can find this in the EXPAND CORP NEW folder in the Mega.

Thank you all for your support! It's my birthday month so I want to drop a bit more than usual if I can!


Expand Corp Origins Ep 1 The Roommate



Wonderful as always! :) EDIT: I finally got around to joining the Discord lol


Very nice, kind of gives me vibes of your first video.


I'm getting an error message that states, 'because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here"


I think if you're using Incognito mode in your browser, or something similar, it could perhaps be the cause?


Very interesting! Bit of a quickie, but that's not a bad thing at all! Not all of your videos need to be too elaborate with a lot of special effects, sometimes simple is nice too. Anyways, nice work, like another user above said, it's kind of reminiscent of your first video, Cursed 1. And I really loved the orgasm sounds at the end, sudden transformations like these are bound to bring intense sensations and pleasure, so more aggressive orgasm sounds are really, really fitting with your videos, i think.