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Apologies for the Vimeo wait! it took super long to transcode!


Bimbo Planet The Prototype



Awesome video! Is going to get any alien traits (purple skin, alien eyes, etc)? Or is she going to just stay a (super busty) human?


Okay, sorry for taking so long, was quite busy this week, and I wanted to take my time and not rush. I liked the beginning of the video, with the lightning effects. Since those effects were before the transformations, they felt complementary, instead of blocking the view or being too distracting. That quick ass expansion with the shorts ripping was sweet, a nice staple from you. On the ship, I absolutely loved the sound effects you used! They were sort of like the usual sloshing sounds you tend to use, but with a bit more oomph than usual. I liked it. Loved the breast expansion there too. Especially liked that you started with the nipples, making them range from modest to very big and puffy. Pussy expansion was also great, and tends to be one of my favorite transformations! Perhaps it could have been either a bit bigger, or a bit more throbbing, but I could just be greedy. Now, where I want to give some praise is with facial expressions. Her face was a bit more expressive than what you tend to make them, and it worked well here! Facial expressions that are too static and unchanging can be detrimental to the video, so I felt that you were working to try new facial expressions. And the opposite, good facial expressions can really elevate an animation to new heights, so I feel you're on the right track. Lastly, lactation. I'm very glad that you're dabbling with that more and more. It was lovely, though perhaps next time, either you could try smaller, finer milk spurts, instead of a big stream? Or, if you prefer big streams of milk, a lovely effect could be the breasts deflating a fair bit (not completely) as they get emptied of milk. Could be a lovely effect! Oh yeah, one last thing. It felt like you were trying to add some intimacy there, with the alien being somewhat gentle with Darla, occasionally caressing her and wishing for her well-being. That was nice. Hmm, okay, that's all I could think of as of now. Anyways, I immensely liked this video, it felt like you were experimenting a bit, and also trying to work on improving some of your weaknesses, so kudos to you, and I'm really looking forward to see more and more art from you!